Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Mains A little sugar Small Tin of concentrated tomato Thyme sprigs ...

The batter is melted in a large thickened pot. When it sips, you will bring the chopped onion, then add the chopped chopped cutlets. Leave it brown. Add whole garlic, carrots and celery cut into the tern. Heel a half beer in. Sprinkle well with Edelsüss paprik...

Mains Pepper Salt Chili mild, encountered ...

Bacon roasted on hot pan.

The chickens chop a bit in the fat from the bacon and are taken off and put in an ovenproof dish.

The mushrooms are cleansed and cut into slices and added to the remaining fat. When these are browned, cream is added and it "bo...

Mains EVS. jævning Pepper Salt ...

Heat the oven up to 180 degrees C.

Brown the chops lightly golden on the forehead and spread them in an ovenproof dish. Season the onions until they are ready and put them at the chops.

Pour the grease from the pan and cook with broth. Season the sky wit...

Mains EVS. fresh basil, watercress or similar for decoration by no Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

The rice is boiled according to the package's instructions.

Curry sauce:
Peel the onion and chop, the apple peeled and freeze for the core house and cut into small pieces. The bulbs are heated in a pan of approx. 100 grams of butter or margarine unt...

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Dip the chops and wipe them for 2 minutes on each side in half of the butter
Put each cutie on a piece of aluminum oil. Cut the onions and mushrooms into slices and season them in the right of the butter. Distribute onion and mushrooms over the meat. Cut the ...

Mains Pepper Salt Coarsely grated green cucumber ...

Season the cucumbers with salt and let them stand for 15 minutes. Turn them completely free of water in a dish and mix it in the quark with oil and pepper.

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices, but do not cut through the bottom potato still hanging to...

Mains Apple juice Grape seed oil Honey ...

Mix the marinade well and put the slices of the sprouts in the marinade. Let them stand for a couple of hours before placing them on the grill, first at the middle of the oven, then move the grid 1-2 chop so that the heat becomes slightly weaker.

Served wit...

Mains A little crushed garlic Pepper Salt ...

First sprinkle salt and pepper on the chops when they are fried. Pour the chops completely dry and place them in 10-15 g of butter at even heat for a few minutes. On each side. Sprinkle salt and pepper on, place them on hot plate nuts and pour the roasting sli...