Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Appetizers EVS. Capers for garnish, but it does not really belong to Fresh, planed parmesan Freshly ground pepper ...

Bank any. The meat thinner with the palm of the hand. The slices may be so thin, they should almost be scratched off the plate. Distribute the meat slices to 4 large plates. Sprinkle the meat with lemon juice and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Decorate with Pa...

Mains Pepper Salt Barbecue sauce ...

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius. oven.

Mix meat, eggs, corn flakes, finely chopped mustard, mustard, salt and pepper in a bowl, let it pull approx. 30 minutes.

Form 24 small balls and put them in a frying pan. Bring it lightly in the oven for 15 ...

Bread, buns & biscuits Together the beaten egg Sugar Yeast (1/4 package) ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the milk. Pour the mixture into a bowl and add the buttermilk. Stir the yeast out of it. Add the remaining ingredients (hold a little flour). Beat the dough well together. Cover the bowl with, for example, a lid and style ...

Mains Bean sprouts EVS. 1 small ripe mango EVS. 1 tbsp. grated cheese ...

Cut a lid of the tomatoes. Pour them free of kernels and cut tomato meat into small cubes.

Arrow and heel loosened. Mix tomatoes, onions and corn kernels. Peel the orange peel and mix all the ingredients for the dressing together. Season with salt and peppe...

Mains Vegetable oil for deep frying Grated carrot Soy sauce ...

Heat a slip-light pan with high heat, add pork and brown for 5 minutes. Add the onion, carrot, soy sauce and peanut butter and stir for 2 minutes. Remove the pan from the flask and set aside until the meat is completely cooled. Put skewer of the filling in the...

Mains Coarse rye bread Minced parsley Pepper (Mill) ...

The meat is chopped 1 time with onions and potatoes. The fathers are kneaded with eggs and seasoned with salt and pepper.

Remove the knife and hollow disc from the meat machine and put the sausage rack on. Put the bowel on the funnel and drive th...

Mains White pepper Salt Eggs ...

Mix meat with mashed potatoes, eggs, salt and pepper. Add milk, beetroot, onion and capers. Work the farmer together to make it uniform and cohesive and shape the frying panes with an oiled skewer. Stir the beetroot fry on a pan approx. 3-4 min on each side. E...

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Mix the chopped meat with egg, flour, onion, milk, salt and pepper to a linden porridge. Boil 16 sprouts of cauliflower in lather salted water for approx. 10 min. Form the dad to frikadeller with a tablespoon and put a sprout in the middle of the dad. Place th...