Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains (no garlic el oregano if the Court must be authentic!) Bacon Båndpasa ...

Chop onion, carrot, celery fine. Cut bacon. Put everything in the pan with a little fat, let it all spin. Add chopped beef and stir until the meat is crumbled and have a nice dark color. Add tomato concentrate, broth, bay leaves and white wine. Spread with a

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Turn on the oven at 250 ° C. All the ingredients are mixed. The dad is shaped into meatballs with a tablespoon. Put the fry dishes on a baking sheet and put them in the oven for approx. 15 min. Until they are completed. tips: Tip: The chicken meat can be

Mains Salt Oregano Chili sauce ...

1: warm water and oil for fingers. 2: Put the yeast in a stir bowl. Stir out the yeast with a little of the liquid. 3: Add the rest of the liquid, salt and most of the flour save a little to roll out. 4: Stir the dough smoothly. Let it rise covered 30 min a

Mains NET/cantaloupe, diced Olive oil Chili ...

Preheat the oven to 200 C (hot air) 1) Black rice is rinsed sometimes. Add 1½L of water to the boil and put the rice in. Cook for about 1 h. 2) Garlic peeled and cut into small toes. Pepper, salt, chili and olive oil are mixed with garlic. Spread on a

Soups Parsnip Pepper Parsley root ...

Clean the vegetables and potatoes and cut them into smaller pieces. Mix all the ingredients and boil them for 1-2 hours. Blend the soup and taste it. Add 1 dl of skimmed milk. The soup can be diluted with water or soup. tips: Tips: served with cooked carro

Soups Corn starch for jævning (may be omitted) Cayenne pepper Red bell pepper ...

Cut chicken into such fine and short strips and let them stew at the bottom of a saucepan with a little oil. The chicken may have a light frying pan. Add the bacon and simmer for a couple of minutes to give more flavor. Add water and broth cakes. Cut a cross

Mains Rough Italian bread Hvedmel Olive oil ...

Take 500 beef and knead the same with 2 pressed garlic cloves, 2 whole eggs, 1 dl. Rasp, chopped parsley (as desired), dried thyme, salt and pepper. And knead it all together well. Roll the meatballs in about 4cm in diameter. Roll them in wheat flour and brown

Salads Becel liquid Lemon juice Fresh mint ...

how to do it Put tandoori and chicken in a bag and shake thoroughly. Stir the fillets in the fat for 5-6 minutes on each side of the medium heat. Blend Cremefine and mint for a green cream - use a spelled blender or chop the coin very well and mix it with C