Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Appetizers Wide ribbon pasta Chicken-all kind of can be used Pepper ...

You take and make a ½L chicken bouillon and put it in a saucepan. Pour in cream and sprinkle the flour while whipping around. You put your pasta to boil with ample amounts of water, sprinkle salt. When your cream sauce is good, take the chicken and cut

Sides Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

In that order, the ingredients are encountered in a mortar. The garlic must be completely bumped before adding the basil. tips: The rucola can be very hard to die so a good idea is to chop it or blend it (MEMBER!). Also chop almonds and pine nuts roughly

Cakes Cardamom Wheat flour Yeast ...

Mel, margarine crumbles together, Salt cardamom and egg are added, The milk in which the yeast is dissolved is brought in and the dough is well kneaded together. Split into 2 and each piece rolled out to a square of 1 cm. Thicknesses, and divided into 30 pi

Mains Chili Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Curry, coriander, garlic and chilli are sliced ​​in a little butter in a sauté pan. The lid is chopped well and switched with. The pears are cut into thin slices and also placed in the forehead. When the pears have just been soaked, add the frozen spinach, coc

Mains Vinegar Oil for frying (about 100gram) Yogurt ...

Mix all the ingredients except oil together in a bowl and set aside to marinate for everything from 3 hours to overnight. Pour the marinated meat into a pan and boil until all the water is dry. Add oil to a pan and raise a handful of meat strips at a time unt

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Step onion and meat in the oil. Tear the carrots and put them in. Let it simmer for a few minutes. Chop the jalapenos fine and step with. Then bring the chilli and tomato puree in and let it fry quite briefly, stirring. Finally, the chopped tomatoes and the wa

Appetizers Pepper Salt Watercress ...

Cut the rhubarb into pieces of 5 cm. Put them in a dish of baking paper, sprinkle with sugar and bag them at 180 ° C hot air for approx. 1/2 hour until they are tender. Shake the nuts on a dry, hot pan until golden, add honey and salt, warm through and re

Desserts (cold) Margarine or butter for frying Salt Sugar ...

The dry ingredients are sifted together. The wet ingredients are then put in and it all whipped together. When the frying pan has the desired temperature, pour the dough. The pancake is finished when it is light brown on both sides. tips: Put a teaspoo