Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Pumpkin cores Havergryn ...

Mix all the dry ingredients into a bowl, add water and oil and stir well together. Divide the dough into two and roll it out between two pieces of baking paper. Remove the top piece of baking paper and cut the rolled dough into squares with a knife or a pizza

Sides Pepper Salt Red chili ...

Cut garlic and chili into small pieces. Heat a pan with a little oil. Season the garlic one minute until golden. Add chilli and pine nuts and simmer until pine nuts are golden. Add spinach and good with salt and pepper.

Mains White pepper Salt Butter/margarine/oil for lasagnefad ...

Polenta: Pour polenta grit in lukewarm salted water in a pan. Warm on medium heat. Stir constantly until it thickens. Turn down to the lowest blow and stir very often so that it does not burn. Wide in 1 cm thick layer on baking sheet. Let it settle (there

Sides Salt Cinnamon Kardemommme-bolls ...

Let the rice soak in the water for 20 minutes. In the saucepan. Turn on the fire and let them boil for hot heat with the spices for 5 minutes. Pour the water from (the spices sort yourself). tips: Served for Indian food, such as Tikka Masala chicken.

Sauces Fresh tarragon Fresh Chervil Freshly ground white or black pepper ...

Start melting the butter in a saucepan, with low heat. It must not take color and turn brown. Chop the estragon and chop so you have a good little handful overall. Chop the chopsticks very well. Put a ketchup and pour egg, water and white wine vinegar i

Cakes in form Red paste colour as needed use regeligt Cacao White vinegar ...

Find either 2 22cm springforms and butter them into butter, and take a spk flour and benefit in the molds so all sides are with flour. Or 24 muffin shapes. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees Take palmin, sugar, cocoa, flour, salt, vanilla essence, baking soda

Mains 0.5-1 dl. cream Pepper Chives ...

Brown the grease in a saucepan. Season the onions until they are clear and golden. Add sausages and peppers and season it. Cut the potatoes in the tern, sliced ​​sausages and add them with tomato paste and milk. Season with salt and pepper and simmer for 5 min

Cold cuts Pepper Chives Radishes ...

Cream fraiche is stirred together with the smoke. Add mayonnaise, salt and pepper, and sprinkle with garlic and radishes.