Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Salads Crushed lime leaves Pepper Salt ...

First owe the rocula and cherry tomatoes, spread the rocula into a dish, split the tomatoes into half and equal them on top of the salad. Step the bacon and then the chicken, seasoned with salt, pepper and slices. When the chicken is cooked, cut it into slic

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven on 200 gr. Season the meat and brown it. Shake bacon until it's almost done. Pour the liquid from the mushrooms and season the cucumber in the tern. Put a layer of mushrooms and cucumber in the bottom of a refractory dish, put the plates

Mains Lemon Salt Wholemeal spelt flour ...

pancakes Whip egg and add flour and stir well together, then add milk until the dough has a suitable thickness. And put pancakes in butter fill Cheeses avocado and chop in the tern and mix with cottage cheese. Taste with salt and lemon Take a panc

Salads Dressing Small handful of almonds White wine vinegar ...

Cook broccoli in small bouquets until it is al dente and let cool. Cut the apple and mango into the tern and mix with broccoli. Stir the dressing and pour over the salad and mix Chop almonds and sprinkle over tips: Server as mainframe accessory

Salads Oil for roasting of sunflower kernels Pepper Salt ...

Cut the broccoli into small bouquets and stick in the tern and steam it over leached water. Cut the apples into small tern and chop smoothly. Shake the sunflower seeds golden in a little oil and let them cool off. Whip oil, peel and juice of lemon, honey,

Desserts (warm) Salt Wheat flour Butter evt becel. (liquid) ...

1. Flour in the main bowl and add sugar and salt. Mix with whipping. 2. In the secondary mix, milk and eggs are whipped together into a uniform mass. 3. Now stir the milk-egg mixture into the flour a little at a time. Stir to a lump-free dough. 4. Add

Lunch Pepper Salt Sour cream ...

Tin oil from Glyngøre is combined with the other ingredients and cooked on the forehead by medium heat. Stir red caviar from Glyngøre with 2 dl. Cremefraiche and server with a delicious green salad.

Bread, buns & biscuits Water Madkulør Oatmeal ...

Sourdough water rye flour flour well mixed together. Remove 5 dl from fresh sourdough and place in the refrigerator. Then add: chopped coriander oatmeal water food salt. It is all mixed and divided into 2 rye bread. Set for raising for 10-12 hours on the