Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Lunch A bit of turmeric to give the color Pepper Salt ...

Stir chicken inder fillets on the forehead and let them cool a little. Cut the chicken into fine tern. Also cut all the vegetables well out of the corn corn. In a seperate dish mix Mayonnaise, Cream fraiche, HP Sauce and Spices. Mix it well and taste it. Mix i

Cakes Milk Salt Vanilla sugar ...

Take butter and sugar and stir it white, add the eggs one at a time, dry the ingredients and strain the straw and stir the banana and milk. Fill the dough into a greased shape about 20x30 cm and bag the cake at 175 degrees for approx. 45 min. Look at it once

Mains 4 Chream freache Vinegar ...

First shred the chicken Mix 4 teaspoonful peppers with 2 teaspoonfuls of salt and mix with the chicken ... Cut the finely chopped onion and garlic and then swirl it to make them golden and then remove them from the forehead and into the bowl and then fry the

Mains Pepper Salt Tomato puree (or ca. 140 g of concentrated canned) ...

The pears are cut into slices and swirled in the margarine. The flour is sprinkled and milk is sparged with stirring. Cook the parsons and taste the sauce with tomato sauce, chilisauce, salt and pepper. Cut the cod in large pieces and put it into the sauce.

Desserts (warm) Salt Milk Wheat flour ...

The yeast is stirred in the lukewarm milk, the eggs are stirred, salt, sugar and flour are added and stirred well. The dough is allowed to rise for ½-1 hour. Then stew on the forehead in the same way as biscuits. tips: A nice change to alm. pancakes.

Lunch Salt Milk Water ...

Oil, flour and salt are mixed. Add little water at a time until the dough is collected. Rolled out into the pie dish. Brambles are boiled for 5 minutes in leachate water, said. Eggs and milk are whipped together. The dough is baked for about 5 minutes at 200

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Celery and carrot peeled and cut into terns / slices. Then boil in water with salt and juice of half a lemon. The cream is heated (do not boil) with thyme and a fat garlic cut into small pieces or chopped. The water is poured from the cooked vegetables an

Cakes in form A handful of oatmeal to sprinkle on top Salt Eggs ...

Mixed in a bowl: Brown darling, syrup, yogurt, oil, egg, oatmeal Let it stand for 10 minutes. In another bowl mix flour, baking soda and salt. Peel the apples and cut them roughly Chop the almonds roughly Add the flour mixture, apples and almonds to the