Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Salads Lemon juice Salt Black pepper ...

Udvand matjesfiletterne, let them drain and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Peel the cucumber and halve it lengthwise. Scrape seeds out and slice the cucumber into thin slices. Peel the apples, remove the seeds and cut flesh into thin slices also. Drip a litt

Sides Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Melt butter, Add flour and whisk well. Pour the cream in opbagningen a little at a time under still whipping. Let the sauce Cook for about 5 minutes, whisk in the sauce so it doesn't lump. Is the sauce too thick add a little water. Add the potatoes into

Sides Basil Pepper Salt ...

Start with cutting the tomatoes over in half. Blend the 5 half-tomatoes to the still serious. Click the last tomato in your hand so it is extra rough. Cut onion fine. Pressure or chop the garlic. Mix the onions in the tomatoes. Season with Chili, Basil,

Dressing Pepper Salt Fresh chili ...

Chop pebrene rough. Cut the chili up lengthwise, remove the seeds. Chop it coarsely. Run it all in a blender or with a hand blender. When it is blended to mush, run the oil in. Smoke the good around. The color from the red peppers and chili oil colors.

Cakes Wheat flour Salt Sliced bananas ...

Whip all indgredienserne, except for the flour together. When banana Nuggets are whipped out added wheat flour to the dough has the right consistency. Then bake the pancakes on the forehead as alm. pancakes.

Cold cuts Plenty of water Salt Corned beef spidsbryst ...

Brisket is added in abundant fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Is boiling 3-4 hours. The meat is taken up and cooled by like to overnight

Sides White wine vinegar (how much chili pickle and how much white wine vinegar is a matter of taste) Chilli pickle (from pickled chili) Salt ...

It's all mixed and cooked on a low heat for about 45 min. Boil without the lid for most of the liquid has evaporated. Chili recipe for pickled chili lagen derived from m. Laurel, coriander and sugar which can be found here on the site. Can be used in th

Pickling White wine vinegar Peppercorn Coriander seeds or 1 tsp bumped ...

Crack the Chili's and scrape the seeds out. Got them in a pan and pour boiling water over. Let them soak about five minutes. Came the Chili's, peppercorns, Bay leaves, coriander seeds and salt in a glass. Boil sugar and vinegar together, to the sugar is