Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Sides A sprinkle salt on top when baked, it is finished Eggs Baking soda ...

All ingredients are beaten together with whips, to hand it is smooth. The oil warms up on a teflon pan. The batter is poured on. Bake-FRY on both sides 10-15 minutes at medium heat, covered, so it gets the color. Turn off your forehead, and let it get the l

Mains Pepper Plenty of water Salt ...

Tongue out in ample fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Boil 1 ½-2 hours. When the tongue is cooled slightly by then removed the outer skin

Mains A little suit Pepper Plenty of water ...

Tongue out in ample fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Boil 1 ½-2 hours. When the tongue is cooled slightly by then removed the outer skin

Sandwiches Eggs Fukorns wheat flour Wholemeal wheat flour ...

1. in a bowl, stir the yeast touch out in 1 dl of water. other ingredients are added and kneaded well together. 3. the dough is shaped to 8 buns, which is pressed flat and put on a baking sheet. 4. dough balls raises with a clean piece of whisper in ab

Desserts (warm) Dark chocolate like with over 60% cocoa Sugar Baking soda ...

1) heat oven up to 210 degrees. 2) Sift flour, salted and came down in a bowl. 3) Click chokkoladen me not too fine. 4) Share the butter in chunks and crumbles it quickly into the flour. Put so baking soda, sugar and the chopped chocolate and eventually but

Mains Handful chopped dried fruit berberisbær or cranberries currants dates apricots roasted or chopped almonds Salt The whole letknuste cardamom capsules ...

Com everything dry in a bowl, pour boiling water on, for it covers couscoussen with 1 cm. Whip with a whisk, and add either a lid or film over the bowl. Wait for 10 minutes. If it is too dry, you can give more boiling water. Couscoussen fluffes up with two

Various Salt Sugar Vanillieis ...

It's all mixed together in a bowl Margerinen melt and place in the dough-

Mains Plenty of water Salt Corned-beef tongue ...

Tongue out in ample fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Boil 1 ½-2 hours. When the tongue is cooled slightly by then removed the outer skin