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Recipes with Salt

Snacks Pepper Salt Small clove garlic ...

tortillas: turn on the oven at 160 degrees. cut tortilla late out, and put them in the oven. behind them in 15 min. for they are dry and crispy. guacamole: Moss advocadoen. cut the tomatoes into small pieces. squeeze lime and garlic. mix the ingredients in

Mains A little oil Pepper Salt ...

Panchetta or other bacon being placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, a piece of wax paper to be laid over a griddle and be over so the bacon lies in pressure. Put in oven at 80 degrees c. alm. ovni ca. 2 hours, for the bacon is dry and crispy. R

Mains Salt Culotte ...

Oven ready at 250 degrees Culotten trimmings and place it in the roasting pan or a heat-proof platter. Brown the roast with oily upwards in 10-15 minutes. Turn down the heat and cook for 20 minutes Take the saucepan off of ovenen in 20 minutes. Insert the

Bread, buns & biscuits Lukewarm water Salt Butter/margarine ...

Stir the yeast into the water. Melt the butter. Put sugar, salt, eggs and most of the flour into the yeast/water mixture. Add the melted butter. Knead VERY long. Must raise to double size (ca. 30 min.) Knead the dough and roll it into a sausage, cut it i

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Arrow and chop the onion coarsely. Melt the FAT or heat the oil in a saucepan and Brown the onions in it. Add the minced beef, and flip it good to have got color. Sprinkle flour over meat and stir it well into the broth, salt and pepper. come by and let the

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Meatballs: Stir the meat cool with salt – like 3-4 minutes. Stir the dry ingredients into the meat along with grated onions and eggs. Stir in the liquid a little at a time, and let rest in refrigerator at least forcemeat 1/2 hour. Form forcemeat into meatba

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Rub the redecorated pigeons in-and outside with salt and pepper. Brown them well in the butter, possibly by some times. Pour the water on and let the pigeons simmer for about 1 hour or until tender. Frying time depends on the age of the duernes. Take the pi

Mains Allspice Pepper Sage ...

The steaks: mix the breadcrumbs with the minced meat, and gather for a father's with the other ingredients, except for bacon, tomato and cheese. Forcemeat is shaped to 5-6 karbonader, placed in a baking dish. Bacon slices placed on karbonaderne so they cover