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Recipes with Salt

Mains Wheat flour Suit Meljævning ...

1. Cut the meat into cubes and turn into flour and spices 2. Carrots are peeled and cut into pieces 3. The meat is browned in margarine 4. Water, tomato purée and carrots are brought in 5 Boil the dish under low approx. ½ hour 6. The Bavarian cut into pie

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Yeast Water ...

Easy to hand in a bowl - Do not handle on the table. Stir yeast into water Add salt and spelled flour The consistency must be like a little thick oatmeal Cover the dough bowl with household film and place it on the fridge overnight. Next day: Pour the

Mains French bread (with/without garlic) Pepper Rice to 4 ps. with the appropriate amount of water ...

Onions are cut and brown meat is added to the desired amount of rice and water (so when the rice is finished, the water is also "gone") to 4 people put into the pot add salt and pepper to taste cut green pepper in the tern and pour them in just before the dish

Bread, buns & biscuits Suit (to provide color) Gvedemel-possibly. more Salt ...

Both dough types: Crumble yeast, add salt, oil and water (+ a little bit of food in the rye bread to your liking) Add flour and knead each dumpling so it can be handled without sticking Divide each dumplings into 2 and roll them out immediately with a roll

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Man forms the father of pickles. Then season them with salt, pepper and paprika and rub them on the forehead, but only until there are brown on both sides. Then let the steaks cool off. Then cut pepper, onions and mushrooms into small pieces and fry this on

Lunch Salt Bagepulvær Wheat flour ...

1. Pour flour and butter in a bowl and heat the oven at 220 ° C 2. Then pour sugar, cheese or raisins in 3. pour milk in 4. Tie it with a knife 5. Make it a ball and resemble it on a plate 6. Brush it with some caffeine 7.Pack it for approx. 25 min. At 2

Mains Sour cream Dill Cress ...

The salmon should preferably be fresh if it has been frozen, it should be thawed before starting. Put a piece of staniol on the table, long enough to enclose the fish, preferably a bit extra. Put the fish on the stanol and squeeze lemon over it. Sprinkle salt

Lunch (to go) Salt Milk Bagepulvær ...

1. Pour flour and butter in a bowl and heat the oven at 220 ° C 2. Then pour sugar, cheese or raisins in 3. pour milk in 4. Tie it with a knife 5. Make it a ball and resemble it on a plate 6. Brush it with some caffeine 7.Pack it for approx. 25 min. At 2