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Recipes with Salt

Mains Breadcrumbs Milk Eggs ...

Mix all the ingredients together. Step on the forehead at medium heat. tips: Both beef, pork and calf / pork can be used. The kids LOVE these frikadeller !!!

Appetizers Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Hiv the skin (and any ingots and "beak") of the syringe and rinse thoroughly. Bring it to a pot without (!) Water. Lay the lid on and let it simmer in its own juice over low heat to tender. (45-60 minutes). Drain, cool, remove the suction cups ("Plasma" rings)

Soups Pepper Salt Leek (green) ...

Enables the chicken. Divide it into 6-8 pieces. Arrow and chop onion and garlic. Melt the butter in a pan and let the onions and garlic spin on low heat 5 min. Add the rice, let it all spin for another 5 minutes. Sprinkle with the water and put the ch

Sides A little sugar Salt Dill ...

The vegetables are cleaned and cut into small terns, then poured into a large bowl. The fine peas are poured into the bowl together with the hamsters. The dill is rinsed, chopped and put into the bowl of the vegetables. In a small bowl, mix all the ingredie

Mains Olives (optional) Olive oil Pepper ...

You can either cut the fillets into smaller pieces, or possibly. Oven baking them all. You take the raw chicken and put in a baked dish, halve the cherry tomatoes and mix them together with the chopped basil. Mix the oil, salt and pepper in and behind it all

Mains Greek barbecue spice Olive oil Pepper ...

Halibut: The skin is scratched on both sides, brushed with oil and spiced with salt and pepper. Stir on a grilling pan 8-10 minutes on each side. Parsley Foam: Chicken broth and crushed garlic cooked to half. Cream fry is added and it is cooked to half. P

Desserts (cold) Plain cherry sauce , round grain milled Almonds ...

Follow a regular recipe for rice à l'amande, but use rice milk to cook the rice instead of plain milk, and use soy sauce, which is whipped to foam instead of whipped cream / whipped cream. It tastes very good - different, but as delicious as plain rice à l'ama

Mains Pepper (freshly ground) Red wine sauce (j's is good) Salt ...

Roast beef roasted in coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, incorporate in crushed garlic and sprinkle with chopped fresh oregano, Put in the weber / kuglegrill about 45 minutes until the core temperature is between 55-58 Let the meat rest for about 15 mi