Recipes with Salt
Sauter the pears in 1 tablespoon olive oil at medium heat approx. 8 min. Add squash and garlic and sauté for another 10 min. Bring the mixture into a bowl and let it cool off. Add salt, pepper, egg and cheese.
Heat the rest of the oil into a pan, pour the egg
Add almonds with water and salt in an ovenproof dish and put them in the oven at 175 degrees for approx. 30-35 minutes until all the water is wet and the tonsils are crispy. Turn regularly.
Let the almonds cool completely. Melt the chocolate in a water bath
Rinse spinach, parsley and dill and blend it with mayonnaise. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper.
Rub a couple of sliced toasted bread with garlic cloves (can be omitted) and drizzle with olive oil.
Seasoned with green mayonnaise and 75-100 g. Fr
Recipe categories
- Appetizers 1338
- Breakfast & brunch 427
- Porridge & gruel 144
- Bread, buns & biscuits 1758
- Cold cuts 395
- Lunch 1051
- Lunch (to go) 146
- Sandwiches 50
- Mains 11918
- Salads 1562
- Dressing 302
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- Drinks (cold) 1888
- Drinks (warm) 227
- Desserts (cold) 2416
- Desserts (warm) 707
- Desserts (patisserie) 394
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- Cakes 1445
- Cakes in form 2822
- Cake add-ons 139
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- Midnight snacks 40
- Base recipes 234
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- Fruits 19
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- Pickling 733
- Receptions 34
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- Sushi 6
- Various 328