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Recipes with Salt

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Clean the pears, halve them and boil them tenderly in salted water. Let the pores drop off and roll them into the slices. Put them in an ovenproof dish. Stir cream cheese with cream and season with salt, pepper and peppers. Pour the mixture over the pies and p

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Cut the thigh in narrow pork chop deep into the fat layer without cutting into the meat. Lay the ladder with the sword downwards in an ovenproof dish or a small pan to match the steps. Pour boiling water on, so the hard is just covered. Put the steps in the ov

Appetizers Pepper Rosemary and Sage Salt ...

Heat the oven to 100 gr. Half the tomatoes and put them in a frying pan on baking paper. Heat the olive oil on a small forehead. Add chopped onion and garlic. Season until the bulbs are light golden and add sugar, chilli and herbs while stirring. Take the

Lunch Peeled tomatoes Garlic Ketchup ...

Cook spagetthien. At the same time pour oil into a saucepan when sewing puts all the other ingredients in near spaghetti and meatballs and flourballs. When the tomato sauce is almost finished put meatballs and flourballs in and cook for about 5-10 minutes. W

Cold cuts Pepper Salt White wine ...

The meat is cut from the legs of the hair, the fillet is finished, the rest of the hare is run through the meatbaker with onions, herbs, Madagascar peppers and sprouts. Then stir it with egg, whipped cream and white wine, salt and pepper. The father must stand

Mains Margarine Pepper Salt ...

Use the food processor: Chop the loaf, bacon and cod. When the meat is roughly chopped, flour, salt (obs. Bacon salts), pepper in. Then, milk for a little while while everything goes on until the fish farmer has a thick lime consistency. Spoon into fry pane

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Honey Salt ...

Water is poured into a bowl that mixes yeast, salt and honey in and stir until the honey is completely dissolved. Then mix oatmeal, flour and sesame seeds together and add the water mixture. When everything is mixed well, put the dough in the fridge over

Dressing Cayenne pepper Salt Lemon ...

Arrow and chop the scallops. Stir onion, mayonnaise, creme fraiche, curry and chutney together. Rinse and dry the lemon, tear the skull well. Squeeze the juice and stir both the shells and the juice in the sauce. Seasoning with salt, curry and cayenne peppe