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Recipes with Salt

Mains Championger Cremfine for cooking Vegetable bouillon cube ...

Set the oven to preheat 200 c. Take one between large high-end panes. The carrots are cut into strips and put to the bottom of the frying pan, a tablespoon of sugar is sprinkled on. Put the raw chicken fillet on the carrots. The champion girders are cut into

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Yeast Sugar ...

Melt the margarine and stir the yeast into the lukewarm milk. Eat it with the other ingredients. Add flour until the dough does not stick. Put the dough for raising a warm place for an hour. Bake at 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. tips: The dough become

Salads Pepper Salt Shell of a ½ Orange ...

Vegetables and fruit are cut well and everything is mixed together.

Soups Pepper Salt Lemon grass ...

Cut the potatoes into slices and pour the water into a saucepan. Boil the potatoes in the water until cooked. Chop the onions in the tern, Cut the pores into slices, Cut the tomatoes into slices and remove the kernels. Mix it all together and put the l

Mains Vinegar Ketchup Oil ...

You take the chili and either cut it very very well, or blend it very quickly, so they become evenly chopped onions, and you also do it with the goose and the white-lipped and the jalapeno. Then add a little spicy oil, then fry in a pan until the garlic is dar

Mains Cashew nuts Saffron threads Lemon juice ...

Masala: Come cashew nuts, chili, ginger and 2.5 dl. Cold water in a blender glass and purge it. Crush the can easily. Come with it, cardamom, cloves, pelleted garlic, birch, coriander and bowl, and mix it with the rest to pure. Bring the juices into a smal

Mains Asier Garlic powder Nutmeg ...

The hearts are cut into strips, then carefully cleaned and all tendons and blood are removed, rinsed well and dried off in a piece of kitchen roll. The margarine is melted and the pieces are put in it when the pieces are browned, spoon with the bouillon and th

Lunch Pepper Salt Water ...

Pour water into the pan and put the pasta in as it boils. Put some salt in and pour the water off when the pastes have softened. Then pour the water and pour the paste into a pan. Put the eggs in the pasta and stir. After a while, put the cheese in. Put