Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pressed garlic

Mains Marinade: (can be prepared well in advance) Pepper Salt ...

Marinade whipped together and pour into a roast bag. The ribs come in the bag and shake it all well. Bag in boiling water and boil for about 30 minutes. Be taken up and allow to cool. Can be prepared in good time. The meat is taken out of the bag, and the meat

Mains Pepper Salt Basil ...

Steak steaks Steaks plumped with hand root and turned over on a very dry forehead. Seasoned with salt and pepper, and put of forehead. Bell Pepper (cut into thin strips) and onion Sauté in butter, seasoned with salt and basil and spread on steaks, each of whic

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Stir in oil, lemon juice, spices, garlic and pepper together and brush the marinade on the meat. Let it soak in cool 3-4 hours. Heat a skillet with a little oil well up. Sprinkle the meat with salt and fry it in 7-8 min on each side by the Mediterranean heat.

Appetizers A little wheat flour for Breading Oil for dybstegning Pepper ...

Remove any bones from the fish and cut it into small pieces. Blend the fish to a paste with potato flour and coconut milk, which add little by little. Tube fiskefarsen with salt, pepper, chopped cilantro, garlic and eggs. Make sure that everything is well b

Appetizers Fresh coriander leaves chopped (for garnish) Oil for dybstegning (deep frying) Pepper ...

Pipe a father's of shrimp, garlic, ginger, onion, eggs, salt, pepper and maizenamel. Place in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Cut fluten for about 1/2 cm thick slices and butter a thick layer of shrimp sausage meat on one side. Dip this page carefull

Appetizers Oil marinade from the tomatoes or olive oil Salt Green olives ...

It's all chopped with a knife or blended well, consistency will be adjusted with the oil at the end. Serve with good bread. Tips: Should preferably be made 1-2 days before it must be eaten. It is important that there is a thin layer of oil over the mass wh

Appetizers White pepper 1/2 juice of lemon Salt ...

Cod roe moses with a fork and mix with lemon juice and sour cream. Then cut the olives into cubes and mix them in the Marsh along with the chopped parsley. Garlic fattened finhakkes or pressed and added to the mixture. Season with white pepper and possibly. sl

Mains Lemon or lime juice Oil Salt ...

Heat the oil and sauté the onions in the pan until soft. Then add meat and vegetables while stirring. Add the garlic, turmeric, chili and ginger, to taste with salt. Cook over low heat until it is cooked together. Tilsær garam masala, scallion and cilant