Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Pressed garlic

Mains Olive oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Slice the onion into cubes. Scratch and grate the carrot. Willow garlic. Sauté the onion in the oil for it get a little color. Add the meat and Brown it with, stir well along the way. Squeeze the garlic in, add the paprika, stir and let it sear with a moment.

Sides Sesame oil Soy sauce Finely grated fresh ginger ...

Silver crop chop into appropriate pieces, about 5 cm. heat peanut oil in a wok and add the garlic and ginger. FRY for a few seconds. Add the spinach beet and fry them with silver for a few min, or until they are fallen together. Pour a little soy sauce and a l

Lunch A bit of grated parmesan Pepper Salt ...

Let the butter melt on a tefal forehead. Add the fintsnittede mushrooms. Sauté at medium heat. Whisk the eggs together with the garlic, the milk and the grate or. Pour this lot over the mushrooms and sprinkle with Basil and chives. Sprinkle with salt and peppe

Appetizers Freshly ground pepper Oil for frying Salt ...

Boil the rice in a large pot of water until tender. He then poured boiling water from the rinse quickly in cold water and drips off. Mix the rice with both kinds of cheese, two eggs, garlic, spinach, lemon zest and dill in a large bowl. With moistened hands fo

Mains Salt Pepper Chicken (1200 g) ...

Mix all ingredients for the marinade. Part 8-10 the chicken in pieces. Turn the chicken pieces in the marinade and let them soak ½ hour in the refrigerator. Set the oven at 225 degrees. Cut the tomatoes in half. Willow buds, mushrooms and cut into slices courg

Mains Grated Parmesan cheese Pressed garlic Pepper ...

Mix the flour and pepper. Turn the kyllingefiléterne in it and fry them in the fat in a frying pan. Rinse the spinach and boil it in salted water about 5 min. drain and add Basil and garlic and simmer together with the spinach 1-2 min. Serve the spinach on a p

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Mix the flour well with salt, oil and water. Knead well. Roll the dough with rolling pin in round circles (like pizza) and lubricate it with oil on for front and back. The dough should rest approximately 15 min. Put a table cloth (you are not too sore over) on

Salads Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Aubergine baked or grilled until it is completely black and tender. It is fine to use barbecue grills. The cooled a bit of, and the fur skinned off. Aubergine blended or moses with a fork, together with lemon juice, oil, yogurt, garlic, salt and pepper. Put in