Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mushrooms

Salads Green bell pepper Red bell pepper Chives, fresh ...

The vegetables are cleaned and cut and placed on a plate. The smoked cod cuts are cut into slices and placed on top of the salad. A dressing is stirred by creme fraiche and chives and served to.

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Season the chopped onions in the olive oil and add the mushrooms cut into slices. Let it simmer for 10 min. And then mix the rice in. After 5 min. Pour the white wine over. Let it evaporate and then add to the broth until it is covered. Once the rice has sucke

Mains Mushrooms Ham into strips BUKO pikantost ...

Get all the pikant cheese in a bowl. Cut the spring onion into small rings and get in the bowl - stir around. Bring mushrooms and ham on a forehead. Shake it for about 5 mins between heat - this makes it easier to stir in the cheese. Roll the butterdash p

Appetizers Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Whip a marinade of mustard and oil, add oil gradually after constant whipping. Season with garlic, salt and pepper. The mushrooms are cleansed, they are not to be shared, but just turned into the marinade. Serve the mushrooms on a bottom of boiled green

Mains Butter Bean sprouts Cocktail sausages ...

The brussels are cut into medallions and brine and then put in a dish. Mushrooms and green pepper are cut into slices and tern, and sautéed with cocktail sausages and bean sprouts. They are then poured over the medallions. Sauce: Onion and finely chopped b

Mains Wheat flour Onion Oil ...

Turn the chops into flour mixed with peppers of salt and pepper. Brown the chops in oil in a high-browed pan and remove them. Chop the chopped mushrooms in quarters and grate onions and mushrooms golden on the forehead at high heat. Turn to medium heat and pla

Mains Dill, fresh Wheat flour Pepper ...

The fillets are folded and turned into flour and pepper. Stir 2-3 min on each side of butter / margarine, sprinkle with salt. saute: Shake the mushrooms in the excess fat from the fish. Turn the boiled asparagus and tomatoes with. Decorate with plenty o

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The halibut is seasoned with salt and pepper and turned into flour. Stir in butter on a hedge pan 5-7 minutes on each side. Onions and peppers are cleaned and shredded. The mushrooms are cleaned and cut into slices. The vegetables are swept into the exce