Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mushrooms

Sauces Jævning Paprika Salt ...

Cut the cleaned mushrooms in the tern. Step them until most of the liquid has penetrated. Add cream and some peppers. Heat the sauce until it boils and add. Smoothing gradually after the sauce has a suitable consistency. Season with salt.

Mains Salt Onion Cocktail sausages ...

You take either a refractory dish or a deep frying pan and the limestone art is in the middle of the dish / frying pan. Then you coat the turkey breast with bacon so the ladder is completely covered. The coctail sausages are laid around the chest at the bo

Mains Wheat flour Suit Pepper ...

The chicken is parted and browned in a little butter. Season with salt and pepper. Then add whole chopped mustots, carrots and slices of slices, bay leaves and garlic in smaller pieces. Red wine (not too sweet) is poured and the chicken is steamed tenderly

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging. Season onions and garlic in the oil without color and add the chopped beef and leave it brown. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Cut the pepper in the tern. Bowl of mushrooms, peppers,

Mains Oil Salt Eggs ...

Cook the pasta until it is al dente and pour the water off. Peel the carrot and slice into thin slices, cut the mushrooms into coarse pieces. Cut loose in fine pieces. Bring some oil into a saucepan and simmer the vegetables for a few minutes. At the same t

Mains Fat Spice Breadcrumbs or wheat flour ...

The breakfast rooms are served in rasp or flour with salt and pepper, then they are browsed on the pan and put in a refractory dish. The remaining ingredients are poured over. Spice added to your liking. The dish is placed in the oven at 200 degrees for 30 min

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Crumble the fat into the flour. Add salt. Stir the dough with water and set it cold for 1 hour. Clean the vegetables, cut broccoli into small bouquets, mushrooms in slices, onions in cubes. Roll out the dough and coat a greased pie with it. Knock the bottom

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The beef can be turned into mixed flour, South salt and black pepper and sprinkle on the pan in 150 grams of butter. The beef can be placed in a large pot (10 liters). Onions, carrots and garlic hakes and swirled in the butter on the forehead that was used