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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Basil Freshly grated parmasan Salt ...

First make all the ingredients and prepare. The onions are chopped fine and the garlic even finer. The mushrooms are cut in quarters. Hønseboullionen is made ready. The Parmasan tears. White wine and rice are measured, so it is also clear. Then you c

Mains (spinach and Leek can be added) Basil, fresh Red chili pepper ...

The chicken fillets, onions and bacon are individually spun and poured into an ovenproof dish. Peppercorns are cut into coarse tern, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms are halved and served in the dish. Chili and garlic are cut well and come over. (The order of ing

Mains Pepper Salt Peas ...

Cut the beef into smaller pieces 3 x 3 - 4 x 4 cm. Spread salt and pepper and fry it in a little butter. Next to, you bake the bacon, which, after it is fried, slices in half slices. Then you move the bacon to a plate. When the beef is browned, remember

Mains Chilli, crushed Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into big tern and marinate it in soy sauce, just pour it all covered. It's easy to do in the ground the meat came in. While pulling, chop mushrooms, onion and pepper in rough pieces. Chop the garlic nicely. Pour a little butter / oil into th

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Stir meat (possibly calf / pork) and grated onion with the other ingredients (close to mushroom and bacon) and let the dad rest for at least 30 minutes. Add carefully the freshly cleaned mushrooms in quarters. Form the dad for a bread put in a refractory di

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

mashed potatoes: The potatoes are peeled and boiled, the water is poured and the potatoes mashed, eggs, butter, salt and pepper are stirred in. The moss is sprayed into a ring on the edge of a steak. Vegetables resnse, beans halved, pepper fruit striped, b

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Chop the loaf and remove the kernels from the chilli and chop it well. The mushrooms are rinsed and cleaned and then cut the ones they like (coarse or fine). The peppers are rinsed and cleaned for cores and chopped roughly. Turn on the oven to 200 gr. (Hot

Mains Spices Mileda cooking cream 7% Morney sause 5% ...

Cut the pears into slices and cover the bottom of a refractory dish and put the salmon pieces on top. Rinse the mushrooms and chop them into quarters and shake them on a pan. Shake the pineapples until they are golden. Distribute the mushrooms and pin