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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Pepper Salt Asparagus Harvester. canning ...

Start roasting bacon, pick it up and use the grease to fry the chicken with the curry. Cut garlic into strips cut leek 5 min with the chicken. Among the last ingredients together, the chicken boils for about 30 minutes under the lid. Server with pasta or ri

Mains Pepper Salt Small onions ...

Pesto Sauce: Let the butter become golden in a saucepan and season the chopped onions and mushrooms. Add cream and pesto together with fine-squash squash. Let it boil for good warmth and mix the freshly baked basil. Season with salt and pepper. Prepare the

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Form the meat for 4 steaks. Brush them briefly in a little fat on a forehead. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and some peppers. Put a steak on each piece of aluminum oil. Cut onions in thin rings, peppers in small tern and mushrooms in slices. Put it in a little

Soups Mushrooms Oregano Pepper ...

Chop onions, tomatoes mushrooms and carrots roughly. Chop the garlic and chili fine. Grind fresh ginger on the grater. Pour some oil into a saucepan and season onions, carrots, mushrooms, garlic, chili and ginger. Came both the fresh tomatoes and they

Mains Pepper Canola oil for frying Salty (soy sauce can be used instead of salt) ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees (hot air) or 200 degrees (oven). Start washing and cutting all the vegetables to the green bottom in "mundage" pieces. The carrots are cut into thin diagonal (slanted) slices. The spring bulbs are also cut into diagonal sli

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Oil Pepper ...

Heat oil in a large pot. Bring the little meatloaf well together with the bacon nuts. Add salt, pepper, hk. Onions, mushrooms in slices, peppers in small tern. Let the dish simmer approx. 5-10 min such. Then add water and the hp. tomatoes. Now the court mus

Mains Yellow bell pepper Pepper Bacon, sliced ...

Meat, oatmeal, egg, salt and pepper whipped together. Milk is added gradually, until the dad has the correct consistency. Onions, garlic, mushrooms, yellow pepper and crushed carrots are turned into the dad with a casserole, a little at a time. Bring the dad i

Mains Other spices Barbeque Basil ...

Sprinkle the fillets on a pan, season with barbequed spices and put them in a fireproof dish. Clean the mushrooms, split them into quarters and put them on the same pan. Bacon is also switched and everything is on top of the fillets. Season onion and garlic an