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Recipes with Ginger

Mains Cashwenødder roasted Coconut flakes from fresh coconut or toasted desiccated coconut Lime juice ...

The pigeons FRY and any feather residue is removed. The pigeons are boned, so you have the breast and thighs. Warm up the pan with oil and Brown breast and thighs on both sides. Put the pigeons in a heat-proof platter, season them with salt and pepper and plac

Cookies Ginger Cinnamon Baking soda ...

Sift flour, salt, baking powder, soda and spices. Beat vanilla, oil, sugar, eggs and squashmos and melblandingen and add the raisins. Stir it well and set the dough in spoonfuls with good distance on a greased baking sheet. Bake at 200 degrees C for 20 minu

Cakes in form Bumped cloves Ginger Granola (whole grain bread crumbs) ...

Whip flødeosten with the sugar until it becomes light and fluffy. Add the beaten eggs gradually, and then the remaining ingredients except granola. Pour batter into a greased, round springform (ca. 22 cm. in diameter), sprinkled with good granola, and set i

Cakes in form Whipped cream Salt Baking soda ...

Mix squash bog with eggs and sugar. Stir in flour, baking powder and spices. Add apples and nuts. Pour batter into a greased and floured baking Tin, ca. 25 cm. in diameter. Bake at 180 degrees C for 20-25 minutes. Prick with a toothpick, to see if it is bak

Desserts (cold) Ginger Cinnamon Grated nutmeg ...

Term the dry ingredients in a dejfad and stir them well with eggs, milk, oil and squashmos and add to the last the chopped nuts. Vaflerne baked on a hot waffle iron. Tips: Some of the wheat flour can be replaced with whole grain wheat flour.

Mains Ginger Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Mix in a pan squashmos, maple syrup, nutmeg, ginger, salt and butter, and let it stand over low heat for 5 minutes. Beat the egg yolks together, got them into the Pan and warm it all through. Take the Pan from the heat and let it cool a little. Beat the egg

Mains Pepper Salt Ginger ...

Behind the split open squash at 200 degrees C for 25 minutes. Mix the other ingredients with the chopped pulp and fill the squash shells with ginger mixture. Bake for 25 minutes or until squashene are tender.

Pickling Dill Tarragon Ginger ...

canning spices (can be purchased ready-made or made even of tarragon, cinnamon, ginger, spice cloves, dill to taste)