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Recipes with Bananas

Desserts (cold) Lemon Plum Large handful organic muesli ...

First you cut the fruit out and distribute it in the cups. So come you mysliet in. Then the lemon and finally the sugar. Tips: It is the best fruit salad you've tasted. Believe it.

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon sugar or dark chocolate Silver paper Vanilla ice cream ...

These grilled bananas can be made in 2 variations-both equally good. With cinnamon sugar: Bananas are added with Peel on the barbecue and grilling to Peal is completely black. Then scrape the filling out and sprinkled with cinnamon sugar and served with van

Mains Cardamom Bananas Yeast ...

Whisk flour, eggs, oil, cardamom and yeast. warm the milk in a saucepan. when it is hot add you little finger bananas (cut into cubes) and ketchupen. stir around a bit in it. after 1 min. add you beef. you touch around till it looks "finished" out. after it ta

Mains Pepper Salt Sunflower oil ...

Season chicken breasts with salt and pepper. Turn them in cornstarch. Grate the meat browned in very hot oil in a frying pan. Turn down the heat and let the meat Cook finished at low flame, ca. 3-5 minutes on each side. -It must be done. Grate the chunks of

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Chicken sprinkled with salt and pepper. Brown on both sides in oil in a sauté pan with lid. The chicken and the onion, garlic and Curry Sauté in the pan. Tomatoes chopped coarsely and place in the pan. Yoghurt, water and flour is stirred together for a with

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken approx. 1 1/4 kg ...

Rinse and dry the chicken. Cut it into serving pieces and sprinkle it with salt and pepper. Melt the butter in a frying pan and Brown the chicken pieces all over the place. Save some of the grapes for garnish. Came the rest of the grapes in a kitchen machin

Cakes in form Apple sauce Whipped cream (2.5 dl cream.) Icing sugar according to taste ...

The cake: The 2 bananas moses in a bowl. The 100 g. butter melted and cooled. Flour, vanilla sugar, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and cocoa mix in a bowl for it. It's a good idea to aim for cocoa, so it doesn't lump. Sugar and eggs whipped into the skimme

Desserts (patisserie) Chocolate glaze or melted chocolate Cake cream Cream puffs ...

Start with getting cake cream on the first cake bottom. On top of the cream admissible bananas which are already ståret into small pieces. Came the next cake bottom on. Take the bottoms of cream buns and butter them on the next layer. Finally the last cake on