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Recipes with Bananas

Desserts (cold) Fresh mint Whipping cream 38% Vanilla ice cream ...

Procedure:-Grate nuts in a frying pan until they are light brown. Whip the cream to foam. Cut the bananas in half lengthwise. -Came following over each banana: a little whipped cream, 3 scoops ice cream, 1 tbsp. Jam and a dusting of toasted nuts. Tips:

Cakes Dark chocolate Table salt Buttermilk ...

Procedure:-Sugar and butter stir well together and then add one egg at a time. The rest of the ingredients are mixed into the dough. -The batter is poured into a suitable greased cake form and bake for about 45 minutes at 200 ° c. The warm cake decorating w

Cakes in form Chopped chocolate chunks (mums hehe) Magarine ell. oil Breadcrumbs ...

Whisk eggs and sugar until light and frothy. Melt magerinen PIL banener and mash them. Tube bananmos, melted butter and milk into egg mixture. Low melblandingen of flour, baking powder and vaniliesukker and term mixture into the dough while being whipped.

Desserts (cold) Icing sugar Nulella Jams ...

Put a cake bottom on a platter or looked like, butter cake cream on, place the bananas on top, so they fill the entire bottom. Bottom nr 2 be now on, butter jam on, and then turn bananas over bottom. Bottom nr 3 shall be added at the top and now possibly nutel

Breakfast & brunch Butter or oil for frying in Vanilla cereal el. vanilla sugar Bananas ...

blend bananas. Pipe vibrating Samba up in and attended to vailjen. put a little butter in a frying pan and all the dough in the pan. shape them if necessary. for small pancakes. is delicious with blåber or other fruit to ...

Desserts (cold) Bananas Pie bottoms Melt chocolate ...

Whip 1/4 l piskefløden to whipped cream. Make a water bath and melt the 200 g chocolate. Add in the cream skimmed. com cream foam on batter. cut the bananas in thin slices and equal them on. whip then 1/4 l whipping cream again and got cream foam on top of th

Drinks (cold) Orange juice or concentrated orange juice Handful of frozen strawberries Bananas ...

Getting all the ingredients in a blender and blendt until all strawberries are mixed Tips: We can all depending on how thick you want it, come more or less orange juice/juice in the

Desserts (cold) Grapes (according to taste) Strawberry Mandarins ...

First, we need to make the dressing, You take (if using whipped cream) Whipping it up for it has a soft, but tough koncistens, so put the 3 tbsp. vaniliepulver down in cream is, and touches around until it is well blended. If you use cream fraice, or a an