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Recipes with Bananas

Mains Fine peas Curry Rice ...

Season with salt, pepper and koteletterne well with the curry powder and fry them on the forehead in frying margarine. Share the bananas out in 4 pieces and season them with curry. Also in the pan to fry the bananas are soft. Put chops and bananas in a pla

Desserts (warm) Orange Vanilla pod Icing sugar ...

Icing sugar and vanillekorn are soaked in a little water and whipped into the kvarken. Grilled bananas with Peel on for 2-3 min. on each side. Cut an incision lengthwise, onto which the juice of the appelsinen. Server warm with Quark cream.

Desserts (cold) Paragraph whole cinnamon whole Grapes Bananas ...

Cut the papayaerne through lengthwise and remove the black kernels in the middle. Tomb of the meat out of the shells, form it into balls or cut it into smaller pieces and then put in a bowl. Grate the peel of limes and squeeze the juice. Mix the limejuice with

Desserts (cold) Kondensertmælk Cream Bananas ...

Mash the bananas. Mix mossen with milk in a bowl. And then came the cream in. Put mossen in frysern in 2 hours stir around midway. Pour over ice in a mixing bowl stir it around with an electric whisk until it is soft. And then you freeze it again in 6 hours.

Salads Salt Parsley Garlic ...

Peel the oranges and share them in both. Cut the bananas into 1 cm thick slices, mix with orange boats in a bowl. Rinse the tomatoes and cut them into slices. Arrow and finely chop the onion and garlic. Rinse and chop the parsley. Pipe mayonnaisen along wit

Desserts (warm) Whipped cream Grated lemon rind Cinnamon ...

melt the butter in a thick-bottomed pan came in brown sugar and let the caramel the cut each banana into five pieces and add to the sugar mass came cinnamon and lemon zest in and let the banana strips bubble in two-three minutes in karamellen. Server warm with

Desserts (cold) Vanilla sugar Apricot puree Whipped cream ...

Lengthwise of the banana cut a lid and the meat is taken out. The rattle spread with apricot puree. The banana cut into appropriate pieces and put it back in the rattle. Finally garnish with the dessert with whipped cream flavored with vanilla sugar. Garnish a

Desserts (cold) Vanilieis Bananas Chopped chocolate ...

Peel the bananas and crack them, met on a baking tray with baking paper and grilling about 5 mins in the oven. served with vanilieis mixed with chocolate.