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Recipes with Bananas

Desserts (cold) White ice Dark cokolade Bananas ...

thaw ice lighten up, take the bananas and mix it all together to soft ice cream. melt a little cokolade in a bowl and complete the on. and ready to eat. Tips: REMEMBER! thaw NOT the ice too much ... ...

Cakes in form Buttermilk Cacao Oatmeal ...

Melt the margarine-Cool Whip eggs and sugar and add all the other ingredients. Butter a mold and sprinkle with flour. Bake at 200 degrees for 35-40 my Tips: Tastes good with sour cream to

Mains Pepper Salt Cardamom ...

The meat cut from the bone (saved), and cut into bite-sized cubes. Reversed in flour and Brown in oil along with the leg. Onion and Ginger cut into strips and place in pan. Bouillon, tomato concentrate and spices added. Some gruel is right under the lid for

Salads Pomegranate Nut kernels Vanilla sugar ...

Stir the lemon juice with vanilla sugar, cut the strips into slices and mix it in a bowl. The fruit flesh is taken out of the grenade the Apple and spread over mixture. Garnish with chopped nuts. Pomegranate can be replaced by fresh red currants or passi

Cakes Fine salt Eggs (size medium) Raisins ...

18 paragraph Dough: Warm milk and dissolve the yeast in it. Add the beaten eggs, salt, sugar and some of the flour and stir to a smooth mixture. Add the flour, the dough may be kneaded for a light and soft dough. Team possibly. the last meal back. Let dough ra

Cakes in form Fiber remember Carrot – grated Sea salt ...

The oven is switched on – 175 C, conventional oven. Water, bananas, prunes, dates, and almonds blended and pour into a bowl. The chopped chocolate, canola oil, sea salt, sugar, grated carrot, millet flakes and oatmeal mix in the bowl. Rice flour, cornmeal, bak

Drinks (cold) Sugar on-demand Vaniliepulver Bananas ...

slice the banana into small pieces and blend so with Appelsen, vaninie, kakomælk in ce 3o seconds. denefter the ice came in and blend so in 10 sec. season to taste with sugar. available immediately!

Desserts (cold) Bananas Egg yolks Leaf gelatin ...

The egg yolks and sugar whipped over a water bath. The melted chocolate and the mashed bananas stirred together with isinglass. Whipped cream be turned in at the end.