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Recipes with Bananas

Desserts (warm) Sour cream Pineapple Eggs ...

Set the oven at 180 degrees. Mix all the ingredients for the dough quickly together. Divide the batter into the pie plate and press it up along the sides. Com flour on your fingers, then sticking it less. Cut the unneeded dough from edge. Grate almond pulp

Drinks (cold) Chopped chocolate A little cacao powder Milk ...

Blend all things. Taste it before it is served. Tips: Sekv found at, however, created and it is good.

Cakes Roughly chopped chocolate Milk Vanilla sugar ...

Melt margerine and stir it together with sugar and eggs. Put vanilla sugar, baking powder and flour, alternating with the milk. Add the bananas and chocolate. Bake at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes. Tips: Totally amazing! Own recipe!

Drinks (cold) Whipped cream Markroner Little soy-Strawberry-drink ...

Blend bananas and oranges first. Then pour the soy-Strawberry-drink putter you whipped cream Afterwards. upstairs to dress up a little. Put also a markron in, at the side of the glass. Tips: We popped the blue vermicelli on cream is. It looked pretty nice,

Desserts (cold) Sugar Bananas Cocoa powder ...

Pour the milk and cocoa in a bowl. Mix it together with a hand mixer. Pour the evt. a little sugar in. cut bananas into small slices. Start your blender. Put a slice of banana in one by one. Do not let it clump. Also, be sure to cocoa, not lumps. Pour it over

Desserts (warm) Vanilla ice cream Desiccated coconut Dark chocolate ...

1) chop the nuts medium fine and benefit together with desiccated coconut in a small baking pan. style it in the oven at 200grader for 5-10 min, until it is browned. Shake brader forehead along the way. afkøæ chrunchen. 2) preds bananas well down in the nut mi

Desserts (cold) Cream or cream Apples Bananas ...

Slice apples and bananas and Kiwis in slices and put it up in a bowl. Whip cream or take the cream. Mix the ... Eat ... :-)

Desserts (cold) Large roulade Red cocktail cherries Bananas ...

Cut in thin slices and serve rouladen bottom and sides of a smooth, washed kind with them. Whip the cream stiff and stir in the rum and the macerate, melted gelatin in it begins to congeal to. stir and add chopped cocktail cherries, udskivede bananas and coars