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Recipes with Bananas

Cakes Cocoa powder Desiccated coconut Milk ...

Heat the oven to 175 c. Elpisk the eggs in a bowl until fluffy. Add sugar, butter and milk trust at a time. Whip it to a lot of that is thick. Mash the bananas and in the dough. Peel the lower layer of daimen of. (put the lower layers to page not in the dough.

Cakes in form Cocoa powder Desiccated coconut Milk ...

Heat the oven to 175 c. Elpisk the eggs in a bowl until fluffy. Add sugar, butter and milk trust at a time. Whip it to a lot of that is thick. Mash the bananas and in the dough. Peel the lower layer of daimen of. (put the lower layers to page not in the dough.

Various Grapes Pineapple Vaniliesukker ...

* Fruits peeled and cut into appropriate pieces * Mix * Invert gently vaniliesukkeret in A38 fruits here in Tips: My comments to the recipe/Court. MUMZ! Great fruit salad, easy to fix and not fedende. The fruit I have chosen to use only vejlledende .... Th

Desserts (cold) Orange Bananas Peaches ...

turn on the oven at 200 degrees. cut the marcipanen in ½ cm thick slices and put them on a baking sheet (ca. 3-4 chips for each person). Brush with egg and sprinkle kokosmelen over marcipanen. Bake in the oven for 10 min's and cut the fruit into small pieces.

Desserts (cold) Chocolate buttons Annanas or lemon fromage (there are usually 2 bags in a package) Sour cream ...

fromagen came in a bowl along with soda vanden fraichen and whip it good and cream together whip cream and mix it is careful with fromagen cut the fruit into small cubes and good ones in. must be in the refrigerator 2-3 hours and got chocolate buttons at just

Desserts (warm) An entire pot of melted chocolate Apples Oranges in both ...

wash the strawberries and bananas Peel the apples cut it all into cubes set the fruit on a træspyd got the chocolate in a saucepan with water and let it melt over a low heat while you stir in the dip the fruit in the melted chocolate and place it on a platter

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

Rinse, cut 1 cm of julesalaten from rodenden, remove the innermost bitter cone. Leaf end loosened and cut into thick strips. Peel banana and cut it into slices. Mix everything in a bowl. Stir the marinade together oil and lemon juice, season with salt and pepp

Bread, buns & biscuits An appropriate amount of raisins Junket Oatmeal ...

The yeast stirred into letmælken and then add the junket, bananas (to moses first), raisins and oats. . Finally poured wheat flour in gradually to dough dough balls to Set uplift Lin. is about 20 mins and let them Bake at even heat (200 degrees) for about 13 m