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Recipes with Bananas

Mains Bananas Curry Pepper ...

Tenderloin cut into 2 cm thick slices, Brown, seasoned with salt and pepper. Be in a heat-proof platter. Above added banana and thin Leek slices. Whip the cream stiff and season with curry. This is distributed over the Court. Gratineres in 20 minutes in the mi

Drinks (cold) Vaniliesukker Whipped cream Whole milk ...

Let the ice cream will be soft and slice the banana into small pieces, mix milk, ice cream and 1 teaspoon. vanilla sugar, and bananas in blænderen and start until there are no visible large pieces of banana, whip cream is together with a teaspoon. vaniliesukke

Breakfast & brunch Pineapple Bananas Grapes ...

The fruits cut into bite-sized chunks and mix in a bowl/plate Tips: Drinking water/acid base tea/coffee for

Drinks (cold) Bananas Mini milk Large tbsp vanilla ice cream ...

Tag vaniljeisen in the Blender, cut or tear the bananas in some pieces, take the milk in, and eventually take the banana pieces in. Tips: Please take not of the skimmer and maybe look dull next to the bright tastes good!

Mains Pepper Salt Pork Tenderloin ...

Turn on the oven at 200 C el 180 ¤ ¤ C hot air 1. saute the pork tenderloin Brown/on all sides in a frying pan over high heat. 2. cut the tenderloin into pieces of approximately 2 cm thickness and bank them with these events. season the pieces with salt

Desserts (warm) Honey The juice of a couple of oranges Salt ...

First stirred all indgredienserne together for pancakes. Meanwhile prepare marinade of orange juice. Sweet it with honey. Peel the bananas, put them side by side in a flat dish and pour marinade over. Covered with foil. Turn them once. Behind the thin, n

Mains Oil Olievnolie Peper ...

Marinade: Stir the ingredients together, save a little chilli to the wok. Mari's second came on the pig meat and let stand for at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight. The wok: mushrooms in butter in 3-5 my Rose. take them out of the wok. Then increased t

Mains Pineapple Cream Curry ...

The meat is cooked in 60 min. Curry burned and flour is added. There have to thin water down up with soup and cream to the sauce has the right consistency. Pineapple slices are added between the meat for serving. Bananas toasting with the fat and put it next