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Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains (to be used 5 dl. of this mix) Oregano Pepper fruit ...

Mix the cajun spice, oregano, paprika and flour. Sprinkle chicken fillets with this spice mixture. Save a little of the mixture (2 tbsp.). Cajun vegetables – Onion, bell pepper and celery be able, and chopped fine. Saute the vegetable mixture, and the extra

Mains Oil for frying Salt Five-flavor powder ...

Place the meat in a bowl. Stir in the honey, vinegar, tomato ketchup, soy sauce, garlic, salt and aroma they pressed-powder together. Brush fillets with it, and the mariner them overnight. Heat the oil in wok and fry the fillets. Take them up; Let the meat

Mains Pepper Salt Black pepper ...

Rinse the chicken and dry it. Mix the ingredients for the marinade and rub the chicken with it. Put chicken in a plastic bag with the marinade, close the bag well and put it in the fridge for about 12 hours. Season the chicken inside and out with salt and p

Mains Pepper Salt Roquefort cheese ...

Cut the meat into cubes and grate it browned in butter. Came the cheese in and sprinkle flour over. Mix well around, pour broth over and bring to the boil while stirring. Put the lid on and let it cook low for 25 minutes. Rinse bean sprouts, mix them in the

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Chicken sprinkled with salt and pepper. Brown on both sides in oil in a sauté pan with lid. The chicken and the onion, garlic and Curry Sauté in the pan. Tomatoes chopped coarsely and place in the pan. Yoghurt, water and flour is stirred together for a with

Mains Chicken sausages in slices Pepper Salt ...

Style oven at 200 degrees. Put sausage pieces in a baking dish. Beat eggs, flour and milk together with salt and pepper. Pour the egg mixture over the sausages and behind it in 25 min. serve with green salad and French bread.

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken approx. 1250 g ...

Share the chicken into serving pieces and Brown the pieces of fat in a frying pan. Came the pieces into a frying pan as they are browned. Season with salt and pepper. An infant with port wine and then let the chickens roast, covered, for 15 minutes. Rins

Mains Peppercorn Salt Soup herbs ...

Boil chicken in lightly salted water to cover, along with soup herbs and whole peppercorns, until chicken is tender. Tag it up and let it cool off, and then the meat is taken of the legs. Cut the meat into smaller pieces and put it in a heat-proof platter.