Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Cayenne pepper Coarse salt Corn flour ...

Findel 120 g butter and stir it into the flour. Knead the dough with water and eggs. Let it rest in the refrigerator. Brown rinse in a little butter in a hot pan. Season with salt and pepper and roast in the oven at 180 gr until the Center temperature is 60

Mains Coarse salt White pepper Pepper ...

'S bladsellerien, cut it over lengthwise and once across. Boil the ca. 10 min. in salted water. Let drain. Brown roast beef in a little butter in a hot pan. Roast it in the oven v 180 gr to the Center temperature is approx. 60-62 gr (ca. 30 min.) Let it rest c

Cakes in form (tastes a lot better than you think!) Baking soda Lemon juice ...

Beat the butter, brown sugar and eggs together well. Mix flour, cinnamon and baking soda together and turn it into butter mixture alternately with carrots, raisins (and Walnut kernels). Divide the batter into a greased springform and bake the cake in the mi

Cakes in form Or what it seemed Strawberry and ds. peaches Hazelnuts (may be omitted) ...

Butter and sugar, beat white and foamy egg yolks are added one at a time, mix the flour and baking powder alternately with milk turned into. lubricated in a form/roasting pan 30 x 40 cm with border The egg whites whipped very stiff, add sugar and vanilla

Cakes Milk Eggs Baking soda ...

Mix the flour, spices and baking soda together in a bowl. Stir in melted butter with honey, syrup and brown sugar and stir it into the flour. Add the raisins and the beaten egg and milk. Beat the dough vigorously with a wooden spoon until it is smooth and supp

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes, canned ...

Set the water to maccaronien up to boil and then a little salt and maccaronien cooked in the time that is specified in the embalagen. Meat sauce: chop the onion and FRY in oil. The meat is then browned in the pan. Oregano will be sprinkled out over. The pee

Mains Melted butter/magerine Salt Cold milk ...

1 set the oven at 200 degrees 2 melt magerinen 3 term, baking soda and flour together 4 stir ingredients together 5 knead the dough until it is a uniform 6 roll it out and put the stuffing on the Tips: make sure you have the margerinen melted before you be

Lunch Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Turn the herrings in flour, then in beaten egg and rye flour together. Increased herring a few minutes on each side in browned butter over high heat. It should be Brown and crisp. Server on crisp bread with horseradish salsa both above and below the fish. H