Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Pour the flour, salt and pepper in a plastic bag, came the chicken thighs in one at a time and shake the bag. heat the oil in a frying pan, sauté the chopped onion and the chickens (about 10 min) pour the oil from the garlic over the forehead, pressure, pour o

Desserts (warm) Sugar to taste Lard for frying Bicarbonate of soda ...

Whites whipped stiff. The rest are beaten together. Whites, invert gently in and FRY.

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Dough Got flour and whole wheat flour into a medium-sized mixing bowl, and add the butter in small pieces of dough to Crumble it looks like grated cheese collect with a little water. Grease a pie dish approx. 24 cm in diameter, and push dough out. Forbag tart

Cakes in form Butter Wheat flour Sugar ...

Style oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Whip eggs and sugar foaming add the flour a little at a time. Whip again Butter a tærtefad thoroughly with butter, pour the batter into the dish, and favor the berries above. Came a few butter blobs on the cake. Bake

Lunch 1 clove of garlic Blue poppy seeds for garnish Pepper ...

Thaw puff pastry lightly up and roll each plate a little out, so it will be some cm. larger. Line a baking sheet with wax paper. Free the peberfrugten of cores and chop it into small cubes. Rinse and chop the cfire. Crumble the feta. Mix the feta, pepper, dill

Cakes in form Semi-skimmed milk Oil Salt ...

Stir in oil, sugar and eggs together. Blend or mash the bananas and stir the bog in the egg mixture. Mix the dry ingredients together and stir them into banana mixture at the same time with the milk. Pour the batter into a small baking dish lined with bakin

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Sugar Havergryn ...

Dissolve the yeast in the water and add all the other ingredients. Stir the mixture well. Resolved to uplift the night over a cool place. Set of blobs of dough on a baking sheet with two forks. Sprinkled with sunflower seeds, poppy seeds or other. Bake 20 minu

Mains Cardamom Bananas Yeast ...

Whisk flour, eggs, oil, cardamom and yeast. warm the milk in a saucepan. when it is hot add you little finger bananas (cut into cubes) and ketchupen. stir around a bit in it. after 1 min. add you beef. you touch around till it looks "finished" out. after it ta