Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Haricots verts Sweet mango chutney Coarse salt ...

Rinse and clean the hearts well. Cut them into thin strips. Melt the butter in a deep pan, and gently FRY heart strips in two times. Got them back in the Pan and add the paprika, taco sauce and broth. Bring to a boil and let it cook right on a low heat and und

Bread, buns & biscuits Sesame seeds Eggs Oil ...

Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm water and salt. Add the oil and flour, but not all the flour. Knead the dough together and knead gradually more of the flour in the dough, drop. Let the draw in ½-1 hour. Knead djen through and share it in 6 pieces that r

Mains Olive oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Chicken breasts seasoned with coriander seeds, salt and pepper. Then FRY in ca. 2-3 minutes on each side. Stewed spinach and garlic chopped Onions and sauté in a pan with the fat. Stir in the flour and hønsebouillonen be added while stirring. It should simm

Mains Pepper Salt Butter for frying ...

Start with the sauce: Chop mushrooms and sauté them with the onion in the butter in a pot – it should not be Brown. Add broth and wine and got the peas in. Let Cook without a lid for 10 min. Purer it through a sieve or getting it in a blender. Pour it back int

Lunch Or a dollop of jam in every horn The sausage horn 0.5 per sausage horn Milk ...

Turn on the oven and set it on 225o. Put the margarine in a bowl and chop it into pieces with a ladle. Com also flour, sugar, salt and baking powder in Bowl and agitate everything together with your hands, so it's going to look like grated cheese. Pour the mil

Bread, buns & biscuits Whole milk Yeast Wheat flour ...

Stir the yeast into a little lukewarm milk. Melt the margarine, pour the rest of the milk and syrup in this in a large æltefad. spoon, add the flour and work the dough. Set to hæving in about 1 hour. Put the dough on a floured and roll the dough out to the

Bread, buns & biscuits Yeast Small glass of oil Salt ...

Stir all the ingredients together except the flour and then add the flour until the dough is soft. The dough is rolled out thinly and cut into small pieces which are then fried in oil until loaves are golden.

Cakes in form Baking soda Bicarbonate of soda Milk ...

Stir it all well together and pour the batter into a form. Behind the in approximately 25-30 minutes at 185 degrees C.