Recipes with Wheat flour
Let the spinach thaw through and push the free from moisture. Steam it for a moment with a little lemon, season with salt and pepper and squeeze the garlic in the Pan from the heat. Tag.
Sauce: Finely chop the onion and fry it and Arrow in a little butter,
Butter and egg yolks, stirred well. Flour and baking powder sifted into dough along with mineral water. The ham chopped finely and place in the batter along with very finely chopped onion.
Season with salt, pepper and paprika. Add a bit of freshly grated nu
Kantarellerne or other mushrooms cleaned and roasted hard on a smoking hot pan in a little oil.
The dough is a vandbakkelsesdej, and it is made as follows: Water boils up with butter and salt. Add the flour and the toasting of. Let it cool slightly and then
Purér strawberries, and whip pureen along with honey. Then whip the cream stiff with icing sugar, and stir Strawberry in cream pureen skimmed a little at a time. Freeze the mixture stirring-when it is half frozen, it is used as fill in rouladen.
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Udrør yeast with lukewarm water. Add the eggs. Melt butter, let it swallow a bit of, mix it with the cold milk. Pour the mixture over the yeast when it's small finger warm.
Add salt and some of the flour. Beat the dough together and knead well through it on
Collect the ingredients to the bottom if necessary. in a food processor and add water as needed. Roll the dough very thinly and bake it at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for 15 minutes until it has been baked.
Cake crumbs mixed with ground almonds and cocoa, asse
Stir the yeast into the warm water. Add the oil, Mexican spice, chili and durum flour. Add the wheat flour little by little to a smooth and supple dough. Raise the dough about 1 hour. Portion dough into 16 pieces and form them into flat buns ca 5 cm. in diamet
Mix butter and sugar and stir it into the butter cream. Add the rest of the little dishes slightly for it will be a smooth dough. Divide the batter in large muffinsformer. Bake in the middle of oven at 180 degrees C for 15 minutes, they get a little raw in the
Recipe categories
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