Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Suit Salt Gravy ...

Heat oven up to 230 degrees c. alm. oven. Cut the meat into slices without cutting completely through. Put 1/2 slice of bacon in each section. Put the meat in a small baking pan and sprinkle salt on. Set the roast in the oven and Brown it in about 15 minute

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Salt Yeast ...

Stir the yeast into a little of the cold water. Add the rest of the water and the ingredients. Set the dough to uplift in a refrigerator in 5-6 hours. Roll the dough out to a sausage-sea well with flour on the table. Take a small piece of dough from the. Fo

Mains Suit The juice from an orange and must Salt ...

Rub the meat with curry and Brown it well in a frying pan in butter or margarine. Wash and halve the appelsinen. Squeeze the juice out and came together with shell in pan and pour the broth by. Sprinkle salt on with caution-depending on how salt broth is. Put

Mains EVS. white wine vinegar, currants and blanched sugar White pepper Nutmeg ...

Boil water, salt and sugar up to salt and brown sugar is melted. Keel fitted sheet completely. Put beef breast in the brine so that it is covered completely. Put a plate on top, if desired. Let the meat pull 5 days. Peel the vegetables. Crack leeks and onio

Mains Fresh mill. Peppercorn (black) Chives or parsley Eggs ...

Grate the potatoes on a vegetable iron. Add the rest of the ingredients. Mix it in a hand mixer or by hand. Heat oil and behind NOT for great pancakes of dough. Health degree: minus 100-because of all the oil, dough cleaner to it). Server pandekagerne very

Appetizers Wheat flour Olive oil Pepper. White ...

Cut the chicken breast into bite-sized pieces, dry them and turn them into flour. Peel the garlic and cut them in slices. Brown chicken and garlic, stirring in the olive oil. Pour over sherryen and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Remove pan from the heat,

Soups Coarse mustard Pepper Rye bread ...

Rib green cabbage, rinse it well, getting it in plenty of boiling salted water, and cook about 10 minutes. Pour the cabbage in a sieve to drain. Then chop the cabbage finely in a meat mincer or by hand. Do the herbs in a position and cut them into smaller piec

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Baking soda Water ...

Mix the flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl. Add the oil and water and work it together to form a smooth dough. Portion dough into 15 pieces and shape each portion into a round bun. Roll each muffin out into a thin sheet, 15 cm in diameter. Heat a fr