Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Cut the veal tenderloin or filet into suitable washers, bank it out and post one slice of full-fat cheese and one slice of ham. The meat is seasoned with salt and pepper, turn over in the flour and FRY in a pan in butter 4-5 min-after thickness. Keep the meat

Cakes in form Butter to form Baking soda Sugar ...

Mix flour, sugar and baking powder. Crumble the fat in melblandingen. Got water or egg yolk in. Work fast dough together. Allow to stand cold 15 min. Roll the dough out to two small cakes, approximately 15 approximately in diameter. If it deploys the dough

Sauces Pepper. White Cloves, whole Whole milk ...

The milk is boiled up with onions and spices, draws some minutes. Sifted and smoothed with butter bun and cooked through for a few minutes. Flødebéchamel is béchamel mounted with whipping cream to cream consistency or béchamel produced from cream 13% instea

Mains Olive oil Salt Oregano, dried ...

Stir in fermented out in the lukewarm water. Getting oil in the mixture. Mix the flour in a little at a time, it is not safe you need to use it all. Let dough raise min. half an hour with a damp cloth. Mix tomato puree, finely grated onion, pressed garlic,

Cold cuts Eggs Onion Sour Apple ...

Chop liver, onion, anchovies, garlic and Apple in the food processor. Whisk the flour into the cold milk and bring to the boil. Melt the butter in the hot jævning. Pipe liver mixture, eggs, salt, pepper and allspice in the mass in molds and Pour. behind it for

Cakes in form Cacao Bicarbonate of soda Jam (your favorite) ...

Preheat the oven to 170 °. Term the dry ingredients together. Mix butter, sugar, jam and water into a saucepan and warm the butter is melted. Take the Pan from the heat. Mix it in melblandingen and pour batter into a greased springform and bake for approximate

Sides Pepper Salt Freshly chopped parsley and Basil ...

Squashen rives, curing and draws at least ½ hour, then the aftrykkes of wetness. Stir in eggs, flour, herbs, salt and possibly. a little cottage cheese. Golden FRY in a little olive oil.

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Rinse and clean the spinach thoroughly. Blanchér 1 minutes in salted water. Drain, and cool spinach in ice cold water. Drain and squeeze as much moisture from the spinach as possible. Style to the page. Forkog lasagna platters for 2 minutes in salted water wit