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Recipes with Water

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Yeast Salt ...

Surdej: The yeast is rubbed in hand-held water. The flour is added and the dough is whipped with a fork until it is smooth and tender. Set to raise at normal room temp. For a day. Dough: Add 2 dl of handful water to the sourdough with salt and the rest of t

Pickling Water Rhubarb Sugar ...

1. Mix the fruits. 2. Come fruit and possibly. Water in a saucepan, 3. Leave the boil for 10 minutes. 4. Add sugar. 5. And let it boil in An additional 5 minutes. 6. pour on heat, Washed glass. tips: It's good on new buns!

Mains Herbs to taste Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into strips. Stir the meat in a little oil and add the peas and carrots. Season with the spices. The court must only have until it is heated. Tomato sauce: The tomatoes are blended with a little water, boiled and seasoned with salt, pepper, or

Lunch Burger dressing Pepper Salt ...

Steaks: The fathers are well-behaved (much longer than to alm. Father). The fathers are shaped into thin square steaks the size of the bread. Stir the steaks in oil on the forehead, a couple of minutes on each side. Onion: The onions are chopped and sha

Cakes Egg yolk Orange peel and juice of which Baking soda ...

rouladen: Whip sugar and egg well together. Stir the cocoa with the potato flour with baking soda. Grease the dough evenly on the butterfly bake paper about 30x40 cm. Bend the edges of the paper so that the dough retains its shape. Bake 6-8 minutes at 200 deg

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Alternately put a layer of meat sauce mornay sauce and lasagna plates in a refractory dish. Finish with a layer of mornay sauce and grated cheese. tips: I found this recipe at - it's a really good page !!

Bread, buns & biscuits 2.5 dl. mixed grains Honey Butter ...

Add the ingredients in the order in which they are written. The yeast always lasts. Program basic or whole weat tips: Ide line melilla baker

Mains A few leaves of fresh basil Fresh basil Cooked ham ...

Start weighing the 800g wheat flour and 200g durum flour so that it is close to 1000g at all, it's on the table and make a well in the middle so there are edges of flour all around. Pour 550ml of lukewarm water in the middle of the well, dried yeast, 6 tablesp