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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Long island dressing ...

Smørres with dijon mustard and krydes steaks with salt and pepper. They pull in 45 min. The FRY 2-3 min. on each side. Sauce Onion cut into cubes sautéed in butter and mix with flour. Dressing and bouillon and red wine is added. The sauce is cooked throu

Soups Oregano Pepper Salt ...

1. Cut vegetables. 2. Mix them with cream. 3. Let it cook up in a pan. 4. Pour it into a blender. 5. Blend it a little. 6. Add the Parmesan. 7. Blend it again. 8. serve in a deep plate or a soup bowl. Tips: The carrots are to give a yellow/orange co

Mains A little cream Pepper Salt ...

Put beef cubes in soft "in red wine with thyme, parsley, salt & pepper and the chopped vegetables. It should pull for a minimum of 10 hours. Procedure: 1. Take the beef cubes and brown them lightly from in a large pot. Pour the rest of the red wine mari

Appetizers Chopped dill Pepper Salt ...

Came whipping cream and dill in a saucepan and cook it over direct heat. Cook it as tuning in half and season with salt and pepper at the end. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes ALMOST finished some gruel is cream, so that they can tamper-proof. There must be a lit

Soups 2 tsp caraway (taste) Pepper Salt ...

saute the onion, garlic, meat m. spices. Add the potatoes, leeks, carrots, peeled tomatoes and finally water. Tips: served with bread

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Turn on the oven at 225 degrees c. alm. oven. Lay the puff pastry on a lightly floured board, so the pieces overlap by a few millimeters. Roll the dough out to fit a pie dish approx. 22-24 cm in diameter. Serve the usmurte form with the dough. Set the mo

Sides Pepper Salt Boiled potatoes (medium-sized) ...

Beaten up the cooked potatoes (possibly remnant from the day before) with hand root, so they're a little flat mast. Put them in a ovenfast dish and mix the potatoes with the olive oil. Grinder salt and pepper over. Bake for approximately 20 minutes at above

Sauces A little water Pepper Salt ...

Margarine is melted and rosmarinen Sauté. Tomato puree and add brown sugar and stir. Add whiskey and cream and it's all cooked on a low heat for about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Ready for serving! (if desired, add the water, if you want a thinner