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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Eggs Cayenne pepper Pepper ...

The meat: Sprinkle the beef tenderloin with salt and pepper and brown it on all sides in butter on a pan, approx. 15 minutes. Cool it. Place the thawed butterdish plates on a skewered table, brush the edges with eggs and let them overlap. Push the edges t

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Tournedos brune in butter, season with salt and pepper. Roll with 1 piece of triangular filodej so it rises like a tower. Eggplant, carrot, pepper, garlic and onions are cut into cubes. Sauté with thyme as well as sun-dried tomatoes in oil. The sliced ​​vegeta

Mains Pepper Salt Sour cream or cream ...

Cut meat and bacon into thick strips, shake in margarine until golden. Chopped onions are finally shaken. The pot is taken from the heat. Peppers are added. The pot is heated again. Purified mushrooms are divided if large and mixed in stirring. When t

Mains Basil Lemon Pepper ...

The onions are chopped and ground easily, the sliced ​​mushrooms are added and swirled until the liquid is evaporated. Sprinkle with lemon juice and add 4-5 tablespoons chopped herbs and season with salt and pepper. 4 pieces of foil are lubricated and 4 silage

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Cut the meat into cubes and put them in marinade for 1 hour. Peel the bulbs, season the cleaned peppers into broad strips and season the mushrooms, cut the tomatoes in quarters. Stir meat and vegetables on stews, brush with marinade or pure olive oil and pu

Mains Pepper Salt Dill ...

Clean the skins and legs from the fish and divide them into 4 fillets. Put each fillet on a piece of aluminum oil. Cut the tomatoes into slices and spread them on the fish together with sliced ​​mushrooms, chopped dill and parsley. Sprinkle with salt and peppe

Mains Green bell pepper Cherry tomatoes Cocktail sausages ...

Sprinkle the tenderloin and cut into 8 slices wrapped with bacon. Clean the mushrooms. Clean the onions and divide them in quarters. Clean the pepper and cut it into 8 pieces. Let the coctail sausages drip and roll a half slice of bacon about each. Ea

Salads Green salad leaves Red Apple Wine vinegar ...

The mushrooms are made and shared. The roast was cut by the Christmas salad, cut into centimeters of pieces. The strips are rinsed and shaken dry. The apple is washed and cut into cubes without a core housing. All mix with a fork, turn into mayonnaise that is