Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Scalloped potatoes: The potatoes are peeled, cut into thin slices and put with a little salt in a refractory dish. Overtaken with the flow. Stir on a grate on the bottom groove in the oven at 200 degrees C. alm. Oven for 40 minutes. Bacon Steaks: The ra

Mains Cream Fill Pepper ...

Begin with the filling. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Melt the butter golden and grate the mushrooms in it until golden and crispy. Cool. Mix the chopped meat with half the mushrooms. Soak the bread slices in half of the cream. Stir it in th

Mains Oil for brushing Nutmeg. whole Pepper ...

Spinach Sauce: Remove the stem from the fresh spinach and rinse it twice. The spinach is then cut into strips and swirled in butter with nutmeg, salt and pepper. Sprinkle the spinach, cool it and stir it with cream fraiche and lime juice. Kebabs: Clean th

Mains Peas Coarse salt Solve rice ...

Stir the meat at the edge all the way around. Turn each slice into flour with salt and pepper. Melt the fat into a deep pan or pot. Brown the meat Pour red wine at. Come rosemary and sage by. Let the small plate under the lid until the meat easily loosens f

Mains Pepper Salt Green pepper, in strips ...

Turn the meat pieces into flour mixed with salt and pepper. Put meat, onion, green pepper, carrots, tomatoes, tomato sauce and mushrooms in a large serving dish. Mix the peppers and broth and pour over the meat. Stir well and add salt and pepper. Step

Mains Chili sauce EVS. bamboo shoots (canned) Spring onions ...

Sweat the curry in oil. Cut the pork tenderloin in the dice and brown it with the chopped onion. Add broth and spice with salt and pepper, soy and sambal spices (strong spices from the east can be bought in supermarkets.) Let the dish spin for half an hour. Ad

Mains Steaks Freshly ground pepper Sauce ...

Potato flakes: Mix the cheese and potatoes in a bowl. Put the potato mixture into small peppers (a about 1 1/2 tbsp.) On 2 plates with baking paper. Press the tops flat (about 7 cm in diameter). Dip the flakes with butter and sprinkle them with a little peppe

Mains Suit Pepper Coarse salt ...

The beef tenderloin is freed for seniors, cut into 4 slices that are easily knocked by hand. Season with salt and pepper and fry in light brown butter, approx. 3 min. on every side. The meat is taken up and kept hot under the stanol roll. The onions are