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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Tamari Savoy cabbage Cream ...

The vegetables are cleaned. Without destroying or halving the savoy, the sock is removed as much as possible. The cabbage is boiled water. The leaves are loosened and immediately removed by the water for draining. 8 -10 large leaves are used to court. The spon

Sandwiches Eggs Cucumber Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Red dressing: First peel the paprika into the asparagus water, then stir the remaining ingredients. Peel the chopped or squeezed and add. Season with salt and pepper. Sauce Hollandaise: The butter is melted to clarified butter. White wine and water are boi

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Cut the cabbage. Melt the margarine, chop curry therein. Brown pork tenderloin. Add the other ingredients, except mushrooms and rice. Smokers under the lid for approx. 1 hour. Add mushrooms 10 min. After 50 min. Before serving, stir the hot and hot rice. Se

Mains Pepper Salt Mushrooms ...

Turn on the oven and adjust to 200 degrees. Lay the chops on each piece of foil and season with salt and pepper. Fold the foil so that the other ingredients can be placed on top of the cutlets without flowing out. Clean the pears and cut them into slices

Mains Pepper Salt Nutmeg, freshly grated ...

Rinse the fennel and cut if necessary. Small roots and dry parts away. Half the fennel and gently sharpen a wedge of the tough root so that the individual layers do not break apart. Divide it quarterly and cut into strips. Rinse the broccoli. Remove the lea

Mains Egg for brushing Blue poppy seed Pepper ...

tenderloin: Cut the thin end of the beef tenderloin from (about 250 g). Put the mushrooms in soft as directed on the package and shake them for 5 minutes. In butter. Add the port wine and let it boil. Findel mushrooms, the meat from the thin end, cream

Mains Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Warm the oil and grate sliced ​​mushrooms in it, take off the forehead and save for later. Heat the oil and lightly the beef, add chopped onions and celery and carrots in slices and shake for a few more minutes. Pour rice, water and salt in, cook over mi

Mains Lemon grass Four carrots Galangal ("laos") ...

Start preparing the day before laying fine strips of iceberg salad in layers of salt. Leave it in a bowl in the fridge for a day. Pour water occasionally. If you use dried mushrooms, they should be soaked in water overnight. Cut out all the ingredients