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Recipes with Mushrooms

Mains Pepper Salt Whipped cream ...

Put the sliced ​​mushrooms in the grease in a pan with the chopped onion. Stir the flour and sprinkle with milk and cream a little at a time, with constant stirring. Take the pot from the heat and stir the egg yolks in. Season with peppers, salt and pepp

Mains Fresh dill Potatoes Pepper ...

Pull the skin of the mackerel and split it into two fillets. Carefully remove all legs. Put each fillet on a piece of aluminum oil on a bottom of the cut spring onions. Spread sliced ​​tomatoes and mushrooms upstairs and sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley

Mains EVS. a little Danish water Garlic pepper White bread ...

Fathers: Stir the meat together with the other ingredients for a fairly solid father, who is left cold for half an hour. Adjust if necessary. Father's consistency with a little Danish water. Form the daddy into small fry plates, which are spun in the oven or o

Mains Dill Organic lemons Olive oil ...

Clean the mushrooms and the scallops to the spikes. Take the shells off the prawns, but let the tail be seated. Also remove the intestinal cord. Cut the salmon into small rectangles as indicated above. Let all these ingredients marinate for at least 1 hour in

Buffets Bread Cress Oil ...

Boil the chicken meat in a pan of lightly salted water until it is tender. Cool the meat and peel it into suitable pieces. The mushrooms are cut into pieces and shaken in a little oil on a hot pan, season with salt and pepper. Dip asparagus into a door layer.

Lunch (to go) Wheat flour Concentrated tomato puree Pepper ...

Melt the butter at low heat and mix it with cream milk Dissolve yeast in the warm mixture and then add sugar and salt Stir the flour until it becomes a firm and lightly sticky dough Pour the dough into a lump, sprinkle some flour over and cover with a cloth

Mains Pepper Salt Hvededmel ...

The cardels are roasted on a pan with salt and pepper. Sauce: Margarine brune and therein swirled, smoked bacon in tern, onion and paprika, flour added to collect the sauce. Season with salt and pepper Place the cards in a refractory dish and sauce over

Sides Salt Lemon Mushrooms ...

The red onions are halved and cut into slices. They are heated on the forehead by medium heat. The lemon rip and the juice is poured over the bulbs. You may sprinkle with some salt. Mushrooms are cut into quarters and added. Spinach leaves rinse, drip well and