Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Milk

Drinks (cold) Icing sugar Frozen berries Vanilla ice cream ...

Blænd bærene and put them in a bowl. Blænd ice cream and milk together. mix the two things and add the icing sugar. Whip with hand whip rice. Can be made with cocoa milk instead of milk, chocolate ice cream instead of vanilla ice cream, and melted chocolate in

Lunch Eggs Nigellafrø Sugar ...

The yeast dissolved in milk with salt and sugar. Wholemeal flour and wheat flour is added and the dough is kneaded smooth and supple. Raises the dough covered for 1 hour. Knead the dough lightly through and part it into 3 equal pieces. These are deployed into

Lunch Cucumber Rye bread Tomatoes ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Cut the sausage into slices and FRY in a little margarine in the pan. Put pøserne in a small greased baking pan. Beat eggs and milk together, season the mass with salt and pepper, and pour egg mixture in baking pan wit

Desserts (cold) Whipped cream fruit pieces Eggs Cacao ...

1. Milk (about 1 dl.) eggs, sugar, cacao and corn flour is stirred to jævning. 2. The rest of the milk boil. 3. Smooth no whipped in the milk. 4. Who whipped constantly, while the pudding gets a rehash. 5. Serves in small bowls, sprinkle with a little sugar, g

Cakes Icing sugar Raisins at will Cardamom ...

Margarine is melted in a pan add water. Milk, yeast, salt, cardamom and sugar are mixed when the margarine is melted and water and margarine is "little finger hot" mixes you it on top of the milk and add raisins at will. CA. 1000 g flour added and kneade

Cakes in form Chocolate pieces Cocoa powder Peeled Apple Cinnamon ...

Melt the margarine and milk came down so that it also will be snug. Mix the eggs and sugar. Wheat flour, baking soda, vaniliesukker and potato flour mix and place in the egg mixture along with the butter-milk mixture. If you want to make chocolate muffins get

Porridge & gruel Salt Milk , round grain milled ...

The rice is boiled in water for 8 minutes. The milk is poured in and the whole is given a rehash. The porridge salted after-taste. It all poured over in servofixen where it should be in 1 ½ hours. Before serving take the rice out of soak and mixed with the mil

Cakes in form Roughly chopped/melted dark chocolate Brown sugar Wheat flour ...

Melt the butter, and grofthak or melt the chocolate. Then came all the ingredients except the chocolate. First the chocolate came in at the end. Divide the batter into the muffin cups, and bake them at 200 degrees c. 15-20 my.