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Recipes with Butter

Various Juice Coconut for the rolling Little a38 ...

honing, butter and cream in a saucepan and warmed to it is melting. After it accepted it in a bowl, and then the other ingrdienser granted to it has the right consistency. The dough is rolled into small balls, then roll in coconut. Then you have 20 bullets. Th

Sides Egg white Butter French bread ...

butter French bread slices beat the egg white stiff m. Add the grated cheese and put this blandeing on French bread slices baked light brown in a good hot oven (200) in 5 minutes

Cakes Puff pastry Wheat flour Rod vanilla ...

Puff pastry: Flour and half of the butter, vinegar and water mixed to a smooth mass. Let the dough rest cold in ½ hour. Then roll it out and put the rest of the butter in thin slices. Fold the dough together and roll it out again. This is repeated a few tim

Sides Salt Butter Sugar ...

Com kvarken in a tea towel and squeeze the væden out. Then filtered kvarken through a sieve. Sieve the flour also. 2 tbsp. butter heats up and mix with the flour, the eggs and salted, kvarken in a dish and mixed to a soft dough. The kernels are removed f

Mains Garlic Pepper Salt ...

The fish be rearranged and cut into portionstykker. Mushrooms, cleaned and cut into slices, the potatoes cut into slices. The onions are chopped. Grate 8 large pieces of foil, put them double. Put so 4 thin slices of butter on each piece of foil, favor the

Mains Oil and butter for frying Pepper Salt ...

Heat the fat in the pan. Brown sausage approx. 1 min. on each side. That plug (pricked with a fork) holes in the skin, so that it should not be split. Com salt and pepper over. Finished rose ca. 9 min. on each side. Put extra butter on the Pan possibly the

Mains Pepper Salt Soup or broth ...

Sprinkle the redecorated rooks with salt and pepper. Cut the smoked bacon into small cubes and grate them Golden in a frying pan. Got the butter in and let it become Golden. Brown rågerne on all pages of the fat. Com half of piskefløden in conjunction with

Porridge & gruel Sugar Vanilla Rod split and the grains scraped off Salt ...

Rinse the four of the apples and cut them into quarters. Remove the stalk and flower, but let the kernels and cored and seating (unless there is a very large and creepy worm pages). Come on Apple boats in a saucepan m.d. ca. 1 tsp. water. Put a lid on and brin