Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Butter

Sides Grated nutmeg Water Milk ...

katoflerne cut in thick slices and cook them very tender in unsalted water cut white cabbage finely and boil it a few minutes to the falls together pour the cabbage to turn on the oven at 200 degrees hot draining drain the potatoes and steam them dry mash the

Sides Salt Lemon juice Butter ...

cut the fenniklerne in kvate came water salted butter and lemon juice in a saucepan and bring to the boil in the pot and steam fenniklerne read below the lid in 5-10 minutes remove the lid and let the væden vapors away fenniklerne may be golden flip parsley in

Sides Pepper Salt Fintklippet chives ...

part b the cabbage in bouquets boil them for 5 minutes pour them to drain in a sieve melt butter and herbs in it add blom came the cabbage and turn it gently around the krydderurtersmørret Tips: season with salt and pepper servers as an accompaniment for m

Sides Pepper Salt Water or white wine ...

cut the stems of bladselleri 3-4 cm long piece on skråkom butter, water and salt in a saturpande el Pan and bring to the boil put bladselleri pieces in the Pan and put a lid on the steam bladsellerien in 10-15 minutes remove the lid and let something

Sides Salt Water Minced parsley ...

leaf spinach beet came in and turn them in the butter, add the water and salt put a lid on and steam leaf spinach beet in heat 3-5 Dim minutes sprinkle the chopped parsley over by serv no Tips: servers for: meat, vegetable dishes

Appetizers Minced parsley Hard boiled eggs Butter ...

boil the Green apsarges in 5 minutes white in 8-10 minutes chop the boiled eggs melt the butter put asparagus to draining in a colander serve asparagus in a hot dish, sprinkle the chopped parsley over pour the butter over the

Sides Butter Wheat flour Asparagus water/vegetable or chicken broth ...

cut the asparagus in the pulp of 2 ½ cm boil them in water with salt until tender 5 minutes pour the asparagus to draining in a sieve and save water. Melt the butter in a small saucepan stir flour in to a afbagning add aspargsvandet and stick while karftigt

Sides Salt Butter Fixed potatoes ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into both put the potatoes in a baking dish in a layer put dabs of butter sprinkle with salt set the dish in the oven at one of the middle ribs baking time: 1 hour at 225 degrees warm turn in the potatoes when the butter is melte