Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Lemon Shallots Ham, cut into strips ...

Divide the Christmas Salad from top to bottom in quarters and remove the stick (it may be bitter). Give them a boil in water and drain them. Cut the chopsticks fine. Mix oil, lemon juice and some of the parmesan cheese. Turn the ham into the bowl. Cook pasta i

Mains EVS Pepper Liberally salted water ...

Rub another with salt and pepper and fill it with the rinsed grains. Sew the other seamlessly together and put it in a pan of game-boiling, lazy-water, which just covers. Boil another - yes, it must boil - low for approx. 1 hour. Take another of the saucepan a

Mains Pepper Salt Pineapple ...

Mix water, vinegar, sugar and tomato paste in a saucepan and give the mixture a boil. Turn down to low heat so the sauce does not boil. Stir the flour into cold water and add it in a thin jet while stirring. Take the pot off the heat. Warm 1 tbsp. Oil in a

Mains 1-2 garlic cloves, pressed Sea salt Ground black pepper ...

Bring pasta pasta into boil and add oil and pasta, cook according to the instructions on the package. Meanwhile the broccoli is divided into mundane bouquets and the peppers are cut into strips. Both of them are sifted quickly in a little oil, tomato and garli

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

Tear the carrots and mix them with oatmeal and fat in a saucepan. Pour the mixture for 7-10 minutes. Let it cool off. Stir milk, eggs, flour thyme, baking soda, salt and pepper together into a smooth dough. Turn the carrot mixture in. Butter a pie dish, pour t

Mains Grated cheese Tomato puree Curry ...

The ham is cut into a 2x2 cm tern, brown in the butter. Sprinkle with the flour to be soaked. Curry and peppers are added together with water, tomato paste and salt. It is braised under low until the meat is slightly tender. About 20 min. The whipped cream is

Mains Marizena (meljævner) Pepper Salt ...

First sweat the onion golden in olive oil. The beef steak comes in and browns. Then add chopped garlic, peeled tomatoes, carrots, courgette, red perber, basil and organo, sun-dried tomatoes and water. Let the dish boil approx. 20 min and the sauce smoothed wit

Mains Basil (fresh or dried) Suit Corn flour sauce thickens ...

Season the beef in a large saucepan at high heat together with coarsely baked onions, garlic and spices. Add pepper fruit in large tern and mushrooms in quarters. After 2 minutes stirring, peeled tomatoes are added. Fill water into one of the cans and add to t