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Mains recipes

Mains Olives (optional) Olive oil Pepper ...

You can either cut the fillets into smaller pieces, or possibly. Oven baking them all. You take the raw chicken and put in a baked dish, halve the cherry tomatoes and mix them together with the chopped basil. Mix the oil, salt and pepper in and behind it all

Mains Jævning Whole milk Onion diced/strips ...

Pork or smoked bacon cut into small pieces / half-sized tern. These are cooked on a hot forehead until they begin to turn slightly light brown. The onions are sliced ​​on the fore until they are soft. Potatoes are cut into pieces. Pork / bacon, onions and

Mains Greek barbecue spice Olive oil Pepper ...

Halibut: The skin is scratched on both sides, brushed with oil and spiced with salt and pepper. Stir on a grilling pan 8-10 minutes on each side. Parsley Foam: Chicken broth and crushed garlic cooked to half. Cream fry is added and it is cooked to half. P

Mains Turmeric, ground Olive oil Red bell pepper ...

Bring a large saucepan with boiled water, add dumplings, stung turmeric and a spoon of olive oil. Boil for approx. 10 minutes with regular stirring until the paste is tender. Drain save the cooking water and set aside. Heat the rest of the oil on a large pa

Mains Pepper (freshly ground) Red wine sauce (j's is good) Salt ...

Roast beef roasted in coarse salt and freshly ground pepper, incorporate in crushed garlic and sprinkle with chopped fresh oregano, Put in the weber / kuglegrill about 45 minutes until the core temperature is between 55-58 Let the meat rest for about 15 mi

Mains Eggs Oatmeal Wheat flour ...

The tuna is diluted and kneaded together with the other ingredients in the same way as ordinary meatballs. Finally, use the flour to control the consistency. tips: These meatballs are also suitable for the food package. A healthy alternative. Your own tas

Mains Spring onions Ginger, fresh Salt ...

Rinse the tomatoes in a bowl of boiling water and peel the skin off. Cut each tomato halfway, then cut the half pieces into both sides. Whip the eggs with a pinch of salt and about One third of the finely chopped spring bulbs. Warm approx. Half of the oi

Mains Cayenne pepper An entire carved chicken el 12 paragraph thighs Pepper ...

Brown chicken pieces in olive oil - pick them up after they have browned a little. Step onion, pepper and garlic. Add saffron - salt - 1 lemon pepper and lemon juice. Then add ¼ cup olive oil and 8 dl. Chicken stock and 6 dl. Rice - Finally put the chicken