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Mains recipes

Mains Lemon juice Fresh chicken Egg yolk ...

Take the ingredients for aioli forward in good time. Beat the egg yolk. Add the oil drop by drop at first, later during the whipping-in a thin beam. Season with garlic, salt and a little lemon juice. Part of squash, yellow peppers and the unpeeled onions. Brus

Mains Pepper Herbal salt Bay leaf ...

Share the cleaned chicken in pieces, loosen the skin at the edges 4-6 and arrow it of. Stir in a marinade of olive oil, herbal salt, pepper, garlic, finely chopped onion, crushed bay leaf and cloves. Pour the marinade over the chicken pieces and let them cool

Mains Liver gizzard and heart Pepper Small new upillede potatoes ...

The redecorated Brown chicken in a pan. Fry the chicken, covered, at medium heat for 25 minutes per half kilo. Add the peeled chalotteløg, de upillede garlic, bacon, lemon zest, herbs, pepper and small upillede potatoes and fry the chicken for an additional 25

Mains Wine vinegar Finely chopped yellow bell pepper Finely chopped red bell pepper ...

Give the brine a rehash and let it get cold. Put the chicken meat in the brine and let it soak for about 6 hours in the refrigerator. Bring approximately 3/4 l. boil with carrot, onion and parsley. Boxes and put the meat in brine the boiling water. Reduce the

Mains Salt Pepper Chicken (1200 g) ...

Mix all ingredients for the marinade. Part 8-10 the chicken in pieces. Turn the chicken pieces in the marinade and let them soak ½ hour in the refrigerator. Set the oven at 225 degrees. Cut the tomatoes in half. Willow buds, mushrooms and cut into slices courg

Mains Pepper Salt Ribs (frozen) ...

Peel appelsinen thin (potato peelings). Cut the Peel into strips and pressure appelsinen. Chicken meat seasoned and then Brown in the fat. Add the broth, jelly, ginger, soy sauce, sherry, orange peel and juice. Cook the meat over low heat for about 10 mins. Sm

Mains Pepper Salt Soup powder ...

Chicken meat and soup powder is stirred together in a bowl. Spiskefulde of forcemeat is shaped into buns. Oil is heated in a thick-bottomed pan. Gently fry the dough balls in a single layer for even heat for 5 min., or until they are roasted on all sides. A

Mains Salt White pepper Whipped cream ...

Inserts kyllingeleveren into smaller pieces. Brown in butter in a large skillet over high heat. Wheat flour sprinkled over. Let it simmer for about 1 minute. While stirring, add cider and vinegar. Stir in mustard, salt and pepper in. Boil at low heat for appro