Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced parsley

Mains Lasagne sheets Parmesan cheese Pepper ...

Brown beef and pork with onions and garlic in a deep saucepan. Mix the next 4 ingredients into. Then mix the basil, Italian spice, salt pepper and half of the parsley. Put on the lid and simmer for 1 1/2 hour (stirring in between). In the meantime stir the ric

Mains 2 Oil for frying Dijon mustard ...

Mix the dressing together and butter the fish in a thick layer and then turn into panning Put in a refractory dish Pour 6 mushrooms and chopped the contents together with the last mushroom. Chop garlic Put oil on the pan and season garlic and mushroom,

Mains Eggplant Turmeric Paprika ...

The meat is cut from the legs and cut into cubes. The meat is baked in a saucepan without fat. Spread the onions with salt, pepper and turmeric sprinkle over. Broth, lemon peel and juice are added and the dish cooks approx. 1/2 hour. The eggplant is cut into

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Cut some slices in the tendon around the meat and sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper. Brown the meat on the forehead and put the pieces side by side in a large oven-proof dish or frying pan. Season the carved vegetables and spread them over the meat.

Mains (if desired, 1 tablespoon sugar and a little cream) Pepper Rice ...

Stir a solid father of minced beef, rasp, mashed potatoes, spices, eggs and milk. Roll / swallow a good spicy dad in a slice of bacon and do it with the rest of the dad. The rollers may be Kept with cotton yarn. The bacondolms are browned in margarine and

Sides Minced parsley Oil Small baguettes ...

Half the flutes. Drip oil on all halves. Stir parsley over. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes at 225 degrees C. alm. oven.

Soups Bacon, diced Minced parsley Pepper ...

The vegetables are cut in cubes. Bacon is spiced in a large pot of margarine. The bacon is picked up and laid on a piece of paper roll. The vegetables are now wrapped in the large pot. Water and broths are added together with thyme. The soup boils to the ve

Mains Liquid margarine for frying pan Green pepper Small chopped onion ...

Chop onions, peppers, spring onions and parsley very nicely. Put the meat in a bowl and add eggs, milk, flour, salt and pepper and mix well with a hand mixer Add onions, peppers, spring onion and parsley. Pour some margarine on the forehead. Fry the dishes