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Recipes with Minced parsley

Mains Oil Pepper Minced parsley ...

The lenses are flushed well, boiled for 20 minutes and drained. Onions, garlic and peppers are chopped well. Carrot tears fine. The almonds chopped fine but died with a little "bite". All ingredients are stirred together. The father rests ½ hour. The fri

Mains Flake salt Freshly ground pepper Minced parsley ...

Peel and boil potatoes. Boil the spring bulbs with the last minute of cooking time. Divide each chicken breast across the flat joint, so you have eight thin flat fillets. Also share each slice of parma ham in 2, so you have 8 pieces. Place 2 leaves of sage

Sides Pepper Salt Minced parsley ...

Peel parsley, carrots and potatoes, chop them in coarse pieces and cook them in water with garlic sauce, but without salt. Pour the water from the mash roots and potatoes and stir it with butter cut into cubes and warm milk. Season the mash with grated nutm

Mains Brushed with egg or sprinkled with flour Salt Crumbled feta ...

DEJ: The yeast dissolves in the water. Oil, salt and flour are stirred in. Bring the dough well through. Let it rise for about ½ hour. FYLD: Stir feta, parsley and oregano together. SAMLES: Pour the dough into an elongate plate about 30x18 cm. Distri

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Salt ...

Mix all the ingredients of a father in a bowl. Form small meatballs of the farmer and raise them.

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Minced parsley ...

Cut the bacon into the tern. Stir the bacon in a little oil until it is slightly golden and crisp. Beat the eggs in a bowl. Add the milk, salt, pepper and parsley. Stir well. When mixed well, take the bacon and mix well again. Pour the mixture on the for

Mains Wheat flour Oil Pepper ...

Chop the ham fine and mix it with butter, crushed garlic, parsley and mozzarella. Beat the chicken breasts completely flat and thin with a baking roll or a hammer hammer, but make sure there is no hole in them. It is best done between two pieces of plastic fi

Dressing Pepper Salt Béarnaise essence ...

Chop the fresh herbs, road Yllette & amp; Mayonaise add and add the bearnaise essence, seasoning and seasoning with salt & amp; pepper. Let it cool for a couple of hours before use, so it may take some time to pull. Can be used for salads & amp; baked po